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After I showered I dressed in black leggings, a white tank that said 'normal people scare me' on the front, a red flannel tied around my waist and I slipped on my black chucks.

I grabbed my bookbag and white iPhone 5c and went downstairs. "Good morning Andrea." My dad greeted me then kissed me on the forehead.

"You ready to go?" He asked me.


Once I was in the schoolyard I was greeted by my best friend Jenny. "Hey girl." She said. "Hey." I replied. "Look it's mighty putty." Jenny said and we laughed.

Mighty putty was a nickname we came up with for this girl named Bridget who despises us. She's a real bitch we call her mighty putty because she holds onto any guy she gets her hands on.

Even if he's already in a relationship. We were actually friends once, back in 8th grade. Then she changed and started being a bitch to Jen and me.

My thoughts were interrupted by an arm being wrapped around my shoulder. "Hey, babe." My boyfriend, Danny retorted. He quickly kissed me on the lips.

"Don't we have a quiz in Mr.Calabar's class today?" I remembered. "Yeah, I didn't study I hope it's not hard." Jen said.

"Me and a few friends are gonna skip and walk around the woods behind the school you coming?" Dan asked me his green eyes sparkling.

"Of course, you up for it Jen?" I asked. "Hell yeah." She said smiling and we laughed.

"After third period meet us behind the school." Dan said. He went off to his history class and me and Jen went to English.

We sat down and began to match the word with it's definition. I knew a few including abstemious which means marked by temperance in indulgence.

I looked at the list on the board and there was thirteen left that I didn't know. I gave up and decided to doodle in my Marilyn Monroe notebook.

I drew different things. I sketched a few lyrics to songs I like including Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran, Counting Stars by One Republic and then just various names and words.

Mrs.Acramen was going over the words and I wasn't really listening at all I glanced at the clock and noticed there was only seven minutes left of class.

"Tonight students, I want you to read the first five chapters of To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee. Tomorrow we will do a group discussion about the book and I expect everyone to participate." She explained.

When the bell rang I was eager to get to my next class which was drama because my drama teacher Mr.Moore was really funny, he was nice and he even allowed us to call him by his first name sometimes. Plus Danny was in that class was me and so was Jeffrey, Jen's boyfriend.

When I arrived in the classroom the chairs were placed in a large square. When the late bell rang we all took our seats.

"Good morning children. Today is random day. Most of you already know how this works but I'm going to explain it anyway."

"So I have a bucket of little folded up papers and each one has a scene I want you to act out I will call one person up and that person will choose pick a slip of paper, after they have read their scene they can choose people they want to perform the scene with them." Mr.Moore explained.

"First person to go is Bridget." He says and mighty putty sits down her Starbucks before standing up and goes over to the center of the square where the bucket is placed on the floor.

After she picked up the piece of paper and reads it, she smiled. "I would like Andrea to help me." she smiled at Mr.Moore and I was completely confused.

"You have to participate." Mr.Moore announced. I got up and walked to the middle of the square where she was and she leaned in before whispering, "You're supposed to tell me big news and I'm surprised." She explains. I nod in understanding and she walked back over to her Starbucks picking it up then coming back over to me.

She began to sip the drink and I was ready for this to be over. "You have just won Ms.America!" I exclaimed. She spit her coffee all over me surprised. "Thank you!" She said and I just stood their surprised.

"What the hell Bridget." I raised my voice at her. "And scene." She clapped for herself. The classroom was silent. I wasn't going to let her get to me so I just fake smiled.

Mr.Moore spoke up, "That was intense so, the next person to go up is Richard."

I sat back down in my seat and pretended like I wasn't upset. "You okay?" Jenny asked me I just nodded. my makeup was running and my hair was a bit wet, I started to get sticky.

My eyes started to water but I managed to blink the tears away.


I was still in shock that mighty putty would do something so foul to my best friend and all I wanted was revenge. Andrea was a really nice person she could hold things in but I wasn't as calm as she was if I hold in my emotions I'm going to eventually break.

"Jenny, you're up." Mr.Moore said. I walked over to the bucket and pulled a slip of paper.

'You're in an argument and you decide to be the bigger person and walk away'

Perfect. "I would like to have help from Mighty Putty-I mean Bridget." The class laughed. I showed her the slip of paper and she nodded looking at me with so much hate.

I exhaled deeply before Mighty Putty spoke. "I had a great time with your boyfriend last night." She said, I immediately looked at Jeffrey seeing his expression grew stiff. 'We're acting.' I mouthed to him before speaking up.

"I bet you did you wanna know why?"


"Because you're nothing but a slut, you sleep around with every guy you see and you don't even care." I yelled. "Is that so?" she smiled.

"Yeah and you're a real bitch too." I said.

Her smile went away and she pushed me. I pushed her back even harder. Jeffrey stood up and pulled me away from her. "Scene." I stated and walked over to my seat.

The tension in the room was so thick. Andrea couldn't stop laughing, along with a few other people from the class.

"Since it was only acting." Mr.Moore said and the entire class laughed. "Real acting is about you becoming your character you have to become that person." Mr.Moore explained. "Quick give me a scene." He sad and the class shouts various things.

"That didn't work, well I'm going to propose to my wife convincing her that I still love her after her cheating on me." He said.

He looked at the students before choosing Sylia she was the best actress in the class.

I lean on Jeffrey's shoulder and they began their scene. "Mr.Moore got on one knee and took Sylia's hand in his.

"Oh my dear Martha, my love for you is eternal." He says sincerely. "Oscar, how can you love someone who violated your trust such as so." Sylia said turning away from him dramatically.

"Martha, I don't care if you left me broke and homeless, I will love you until the day I die." Mr.Moore said reaching into his pocket. Sylia gasped as he held an invisible ring in his hand. "Marry me Martha." He said and she nodded her head.

"And scene." He said and the whole class clapped. I felt a lot better Mr.Moore's bright mood always seemed to be contagious.

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