Part 21

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I woke up with my head hurting a headache from something so I got up and went downstairs to take some medicine as I walked downstairs I heard crying from the room am I hallucinating or something. I turned and walked into the room nothing was there "I think I'm going crazy" I walked downstairs holding my head and I heard crying again from the room I ran back up and looked nothing "What the fuck is wrong with me" I walked into my room to see Ernesto still passed out this huge house is empty except for the guards I ran downstairs to one of the guards "Hello Mrs De La Cruz can I help you" he said looking at me "did you hear crying from upstairs?" "Uhm no mam if I heard crying I would have informed you or your husband" "What the hell is wrong with me" "Well have a nice day" "you too.." I walked into the bathroom and got the pills in the medicine cabinet suddenly my body just throbbed in the worst pain ever "FUCKEN HELL" I screamed so loud I started crying I heard a guard run in and one run upstairs to probably get Ernesto "Mrs De La Cruz is everything alright?" He said trying to catch his breath, I was lying on the floor with my body hurting so much I was crying holding my body as Ernesto ran in and fell to the floor "MI AMORE!!" He went to grab me "DONT IT HURTS TO MUCH!!!" He looked confused "What happened!" Tears kept falling down my face and finally it stoped "What the hell was that!" Ernesto yelled "I don't know my body just throbbed in pain and I fell crying" I was so confused then I heard a little boy yell MOMMY I looked around that sounded like Arturo is stood up and ran outside I looked around as nothing was there it was early in the morning "MOMMY MOMMY HELP" I heard some little boy scream again "Arturo" I said quietly "MOMMY PLEASE" "ARTURO!!" I looked around as Ernesto and the guards looked at me confused "(y/n) arturo is with my mom.." "No he's not I can here him screaming and crying for me don't you hear that" "no I don't hear anything" "I need to call Maria" "babe she's probably sleeping with the kids right now just wait a little bit" he grabbed my hand and squeezed it gently reassuring everything was fine "Mommy I want To play!" I looked around "Didn't you hear that Ernesto!" "No baby I didn't hear anything" "What the fuck" I began to breath heavily "babe calm down" we walked in the house and I sat on the couch holding my head as Ernesto sat next to me holding me. Hours later it's about 2:00 in the afternoon still nothing from Maria I began to worry even more as my phone rang I answered it "Hola?!?" "Excuse me can I speak to (Y/n) De La Cruz?" "Speaking" "Uhm well earlier this morning there was an accident" "what kind of accident" I began to shake and shiver "a car accident holding the people Maria De La Cruz, Arturo and Camila De La Cruz" "What!" "We found out from Maria that you are the mother and we would like you to come to the hospital to speak in person with us" "Alright I'm coming now" "okay bring your husband please" I hung up my heart pounded and I shook I became cold Ernesto walked up to me "Was that Maria I told you-" "it was the hospital they all were in a car accident" Ernesto's eyes widened " WHAT!" "Let's go now!" We got in the car and Ernesto speeded to the hospital. Finally we got there and we ran in to receptionist " Hello who are you here for" "The De La Cruz's!" Her smile became a frown and I started to breath heavily again "oh yes Uhm the doctor is right over there to speak with you..." I ran over to the doctor "Mr and Mrs De La Cruz?" "Yes!" " Alright well follow me" He lead us into a room with two chairs and a desk I hesitated to walk and I sat in a chair "Well in the accident holding the three Maria Arturo and Camila we...lost two people..." my heart stoped my eyes widened "Who..." I said in shock " was Camila and Arturo I'm so sorry for your loss..." Ernesto had tears falling from his face but me I couldn't breath I wasn't even crying I was in shock my heart stopped I couldn't move my eyes wouldn't close I began to breath Heavily as I screamed.. I screamed so loud as I began to cry "No no no no no no no you must have it wrong please say your joking please!!" "I'm sorry mam I'm not joking..." I saw a tear come down the doctors face "THEY WERE ONLY 3 WHY THEY CANT BE GONE I NEED THEM!! THEY ARE MY KIDS THEY ARE THE ONLY KIDS I HAVE" Ernesto began to break down crying as his head was on the desk "Bring to them please!" I yelled "Right this way mam" I could hear her voice holding back tears trying not to cry as me and Ernesto walked with her to the rooms I ran in and saw both of them..dead my heart hurt so much I walked up to them and stared at them holding their hands "I'll leave you two with them" as the doctor shut the door and left "come on kids please wake up" "Mommy Mommy me and Camy are playing don't cry" I heard Someone say as I looked around "Did you hear that Ernesto!" He looked at me with tears down his face and nodded no " mommy turn around I'm right here" I turned and looked down and saw Camy and Arturo I began to cry "we met a man he was all white he said to tell you don't cry because everything Uhm happened for a reason" my heart stopped "now me and Arturo are going to go live with him he said that we have to wait for you in the land of them dead!" "Yeah he said it's Festive and colorful we are going to live with mama Maria" my heart stopped I thought only they died the doctor walked in with tears on her face "By mommy we love you see you soon!" "NO DONT GO PLEASE COME BACK!" "We love you mommy" I saw Maria come out "By (y/n) I'll take great care of them" NO COME BACK YOU CANT BE DEAD PLEASE I NEED YOU!!" I fell to the ground crying as they looked at me confused "AM I THE ONLY ONE THAT CAN SEE THEM" they nodded and Ernesto cried more I bursted out crying "Mommy Wait" as they ran to me "we forgot to give you hugs and kisses" they hugged me and kissed my cheek then the hugged Ernesto I was just staring at them as they ran to Maria "Bye mommy we will visit you on the day of the dead day" my face fell to my knees "Excuse me mam Maria just passed I'm sorry.." as she ran out I could tell she wanted to cry Ernesto walked up to me and sat next to me "Why did they have to go WHY" I fell onto Ernesto crying and wanting to scream I held him tight as he did to me. There we were holding eachother in the floor in our children's hospital room. "I can't do a funeral Ernesto" he kissed my head and I felt tears hit my head "I don't want them buried I was their ashes in our house all of them" he nodded as we hugged even more the doctor walked in holding papers and I knew she needed to know what were we going to do with our family and I knew exactly what I wanted.
———————————————————————————I couldn't continue I was crying to much and I'm sorry I had to keep the story rolling hate me if you want but I'm crying about even doing this😭😣😞😔

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