The Past

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Isabel shook her head as an idea came to her. "Why don't we put that in a cup? Wash it before your mom comes home." She said as she reached for a mug in the cupboard above her. The mug was tall, she figured the more blood Caroline could fit in there the better she had of getting it all finished before some real drama happened and Liz came home, along with it, doesn't look as odd drinking out of a plastic bag. Seven blood packs later and they were in a plastic shopping bag back in Isabel's shoulder bag. Caroline was being to sound like herself again, and the two girls were up in her room talking fashion, and even squared in a bit of vampire talk. Isabel still was wondering about how she managed to get a vampires strength from around her.

"Alright I know that look, what's bugging you?"

Isabel glanced at her blonde friend. "Nothing, everything is fine."

"Everything is not fine, that look says something deeply happened with Damon Salvatore and I don't know what to do about it."

"I didn't even-" Isabel started before she got cut off by Caroline.

"Yeah but Damon Salvatore is an ass and you somehow managed to take his ring, which would be impossible since he wouldn't let you get near it. So what happen."

"That's the point I don't know what happen Caroline."

"Well what do you think happened?"

Isabel gave a little sigh, it can't be that stupid since her best friend is a vampire.

"Well." Isabel started.

"Stop." Caroline said. "I can hear someone." she looked down at the glass of blood she was drinking.

"Stay here with that" she pointed at the mug "And I'll go check. Okay?" Isabel said, as she headed for the door. She was glad someone came for she didn't really want to tell Caroline what happened till she figured it out herself.

Walking down the hall towards the stairs Isabel tired to look like she wasn't searching for someone. As she came to the stairs she slowly went down them, the wooden floor boards creaked as her weight fell upon them. Stepping on to the cold hardwood floors Isabel glanced around the living room before she headed towards the kitchen.

"Isabel?" a female voice came from behind her. "What are you doing here? Where's Caroline?"

Isabel turned around and gave a smile towards the older women in front of her. Liz Forbes.

"Sheriff Forbes. Its nice to see you, I was just collecting a few things for Caroline that she wanted for the fair tonight."

"Oh okay." Liz gave a smile. "Well hope you find them."

"Thanks." Isabel gave a fake smile, wanting the sheriff to leave as soon as possible. With that Caroline's mom headed for the kitchen. Isabel sighed and headed back upstairs.

(flash back)

The bang of a tree branch is what woke little Isabel Olsen from her sleep. As she rubbed the sand from her eyes, the dryness in her throat told her she was thirsty. As she slid out from under the warmth of her cozy light purple covers, her tiny feet touched the soft beige carpet and she shivered as the sudden coldness surround her. As her small fingers barely wrapping around the dark wooden banister, Isabel glided herself down the stairs till her bare feet hit the cold titles of the foyer floor and she shivered a little. Little Isabel turned left once she had reached the bottom on the stairs.-Her mother had always left a little bench stool at the foot of the entrance lights to the kitchen, and another one in front of the cupboard next to the fridge, because Helen Olsen wants Isabel to be more independent, so even though Isabel is at her aunt Sophie's, she heard her mother insist that while she was staying there, it wouldn't stop Little Isabel from what she had been doing at her own house. The reason she was staying over at Auntie Sophie's was because, mommy and daddy (Helen and Daniel) were on there way to Mystic Falls, because Grandma Olsen was getting sick. So here Isabel was on the third night staying in this huge house, with the dark wooden floors and a foyer and hallways, that lead to just as large living room, bedrooms and a kitchen.

As Isabel flicked the light switch, the light shone over all darkness, shadows, nightmares and the figure standing next to the island in the middle of the kitchen, Isabel didn't notice him till her eyes adjusted to the light.

"Damon?" she asked, slowly stepping off the plastic blue stool and on to red oak wooden floor. She looked up at him with innocent eyes. "What are you doing here?"

Damon looked down at the five-year-old, no more than ten feet away from him. He knew she raised a good question, what was he doing down here? In the kitchen with a toddler rather than up stairs in Carmen's room, having his dinner. Damon wondered why he didn't use his super speed and shoot by her before she could blink. He looked down at her, taking in her little white nightie that hung loosely around her, coming down to the middle of her knees, and the symbol of a cartoon on it he didn't recognize. He wasn't one to keep track of all the new cartoons that came out he had better things to do. He also noticed her short light brown hair came to a stop around her chin and her eyes looked so innocent, not knowing the danger around her, that she had blind faith in him that he wasn't there to harm her, or anyone. He could hear her pulsing heart beat, was he that evil that he would kill a little girl? No. There was something intriguing about her. He ignored the questioned she asked and asked his own.

"Better question is, what are you doing up so late?" with that he gave a small grin and came towards her, kneeling in front of her, his light blue eyes, looking straight in to her pools of green.

"To get a drink of water, my throats dry." Isabel replied with a yawn. Damon watched as she rubbed one eye in a tired way. With that Damon was up and at the kitchen, pouring the drink and back before Isabel knew anything different handing her the cup. If only Stefan could see him now, just how scary he really was.

(end of flashback)

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