The Fair

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It had been hours since Isabel had the encounter with Damon. She still didn't have any answers to what had happened which stuck her back at square one. After seeing Caroline. She headed back home for a bit. She was thankful her dad wasn't there, only cause she didn't want to lie to him again about what she'd been doing. Hanging out with Vampires, isn't something she likes to advertise. While she was home. She took a nice long shower to make herself feel better before off to the carnival. Ring or No Ring of Damon's she wasn't going to hide out waiting for him to come find her. She had a life. She also thought crowds would be a better idea which is why here she is now walking along the grass in some dark brown ankle boots.

"Isabel!" Elena called out before she headed in the direction of the raven haired girl. "Haven't seen you in a while how are you?"

Isabel gave a small. "I've been alright thanks. What about yourself?" she asked getting the conversation on to Elena and hoped it stayed that way, but when did she ever have luck like that? "I'm not bad, just some drama with Stefan and Jeremy. Have you seen Caroline lately. She usually loves these things."

Now this was the moment, that Isabel had to come forward if she chose. She could tell Elena, as they have worked though problems together before and become decent friends and she could use all the help she could get with the night sky showing Damon could appear at any moment. And he does scare her from time to time.

"Actually I have seen Caroline." Isabel started and waited for Elena's answer before continuing,

"Where is she?" Elena asked frowning a bit glancing around in case she happened to see her while they were here.

Knowing Caroline, not staying home. Isabel knew how important this fair was to her.

"I'm right here silly." Caroline smiled as she showed up behind the two girls.

"Caroline, hey." Elena replied giving her a smile, she was so glad everything was going so normal and wondered how long that would last.

"Has anyone seen Matt?"

"I think I saw him and Tyler over at the Beebe guns." Elena answered.

"Caroline…" Isabel warned, she wasn't sure how well it is to have a newly made vampire around all these humans and she was worried something might happen if Matt was alone with his new and improved girlfriend.

"Izzy, I'll be fine." Caroline said giving her a big smile before off she went.

Elena could feel something wasn't right and as much as she hated it. Her normal night seemed to be turning into something she rather didn't have to deal with.

"Isabel what's going on." Elena asked looking over at the olive tanned skinned girl she had come to known.

"Nothing slips past you does it?" Isabel asked glancing at Elena before sighing. "It's Katharine. She turned Caroline into a…" she trailed off and mouthed the word. Vampire.

The wall of normalcy came crashing down around Elena. Again but would she ever get use to it? "We have to find Stefan."

"Well lead the way." Isabel answered as both girl started in a new direction. "Why didn't you say something earlier?" Elena asked as they started walking, she had her phone in her hand as she texted Stefan.

"I Can answer that." A male voiced said stopping in front of them. "Because she rather steal blood, and be little miss hero." Damon said, his jaw was tight and then a small line of a smirk grew faintly on his pale face his eyes quickily flashing with anger.

Elena frowned looking between Isabel and Damon. "What?"

"Remind you of anyone Elena?" Damon asked giving a quick grin before turning his attention to Isabel. "Give me my ring."

"I will if you promise not to harm Caroline or myself." She knew he was going to have a very bad temper after he had his daylight ring back.

"Will see. Now hand it over." He said hand reaching out. Isabel knew that beyond that façade he was deeply angry.

"Damon you can't hurt her." Elena said, she knew how Damon could get. She wasn't quite sure of what was happening but she wasn't going to let Damon kill someone.

"What's going on here?" Stefan asked as he slowly walked up to the situation.

"Glad you could join the party little brother, what took you so long?" Damon glanced at Stefan before turning his attention back to Isabel.

"Cleaning up your last mess." Stefan simply answered standing next to Elena.

"Oh I Did not make this mess. But I will and this is the last time I'm asking nicely. Give me my ring back. Now."

Isabel could feel all eyes on her and Damon's ice eyes boring into hers. She licked her lips a little. Before pulling out the ring. Her heart was racing. This is one of the many reason why she didn't want to stay home at wait for him to come and get the ring. Slimier chances of dying. "Here." Isabel said holding it out to him. Damon grabbed his ring and then gave a small smile to everyone and that's when Stefan spoke up, he knew that look on his brothers face.

"Damon, just walk away."

"Don't worry Stefan, I'm not going to hurt the girl."

"Good. Now that, that's over. What about Caroline."

"What about Caroline? You saw what happen last time with Vicki." Damon stated.

"No!" Elena and Isabel's voices both rang out.

Damon gave a slight laugh. "How cute."

"Where was Caroline seen last?" Stefan asked ignoring his brothers comment.

"She went to see Matt." Elena replied.

"Alright well we better find her before anything happens." Stefan said. "Let's split up."

"Elena and I will go left."

"What, and were suppose to go right?" Damon asked rolling his eyes. "Pathetic. Just follow the blood. I'll find her myself." He smirked and then he was gone. Isabel's heart was still racing from before. She knew it probably wasn't over between the two of them but at the moment she needed to find Caroline.

"Stefan you have to watch out for him. I don't want him killing Caroline." Elena said.

"He won't I won't let him." Stefan said, kissing her forehead. "Come on the three of us need to find Caroline." before my brother does. He finished the rest of that sentence to himself and then they were off cause sometimes he knew he couldn't stop his brother.

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