14. Smile

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"You look nice," she tells her without hesitation and a smile on her lips, causing Camila to roll her eyes while simultaneously blushing. Lauren wasn't joking though. Despite the curly hair thrown into a bun, the dark circles under her eyes, and a baggy t-shirt, Camila was in fact still pretty as ever. Camila, of course, took the comment more of as a joke than a statement.

"Ready for today?" she asks, causing the other to furrow her eyebrows.

"It's Schedule Sunday..." Ready for today? She didn't normally do anything on Sunday's. Sunday was Lauren's day.

"Yeah, I know. I'm taking you to Susan's with me," Lauren smiles at her confusion. She didn't ask the pale-skinned beauty why only went back upstairs to go get ready.


"You never explained it," Lauren twirls her straw around in her drink before taking a sip.

Camila furrows her eyebrows. "Explained what?"

"Because it's not here," she says without hesitation. The girl hadn't forgotten, in fact, each passing day, it seemed to bother her more and more.

Camila smiled. She smiled fully with white teeth and thin lips. Lauren couldn't help but stare at her as she looked down to her soda with that goddamn grin. And she was so beautiful, she would never forget, she was so beautiful and the world would never know her beauty as she did. Only then did Lauren know she wanted that smile to be hers.

"Reading takes me somewhere else," she begins to explain how it wasn't here, in this world, in this universe full of all of her troubles. She could be the main character, brave and outgoing, or the clumsy sidekick that screws up occasionally but as long as it wasn't herself. The bell on the cafe door opens and Camila flinches, scooting further towards the wall on her side of the booth.

"Can you imagine," her voice is low and full of wonder, "an alternate universe with another you and me? The world would be so parallel to our own you wouldn't even recognize yourself." This time Lauren smiles, listening to the girl go on about a different world that didn't exist and stories in books that she would read a million times over. She talked for two more sodas and she swore this was the most she'd ever seen the brunette talk and she never wanted it to end. Because her voice was so soft with a hint of a rasp when she discussed fantasies and unrealistic things she'd conjured in her head. When she was done, the girl sighed and slumped back in her seat with her eyes closed.

And Camila was her trouvaille; her something lovely discovered by chance. Because she didn't know what the feeling in her stomach was, in fact, she barely noticed that the other girl was so enticing and interesting to listen to. Her face shrinks almost visibly as Camila begins to cough and she sits up straight.

"You okay?" she asks to which the brunette nods with one final cough and a sip of her drink. After paying for their things, they slip out of the cafe and go back home where Camila returns to her room the house falls into silence.

"Where'd you two go?" Almost silent. Lauren let herself wander into the living room where her father sat on the sofa.

"Susan's." She sighs the word and her father hums with a nod as if that explained everything. But it basically did. Falling into bed, Lauren was glad that there would be no school tomorrow and she thanked the heavens for spring break.


She woke her up in the middle of the night again.

"Camila, calm down." She groans. The girl was shaking her awake violently and it wasn't until her brain processed her sporadic breathing did she sit up, now fully awake. The doe-eyed girl was struggling to breathe with a hand clasped over her heart and she immediately knew what was happening. Panic attack.

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