16. I've Never

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Kalopsia- the delusion of things being more beautiful than they really are.

The word was written messily and she wondered why the girl wrote it into her notebook. It was Tuesday and there was nothing to do. Mr. Jauregui was at work and Camila was locked up in her room causing Lauren to migrate to the living room to watch Netflix. Camila had come downstairs once to get a snack, silently chuckling at the girl fast asleep on the couch. Overall it was just a really slow day.

There was simply nothing to do.

Sure they could go down to the beach again, even though they had been doing that a lot lately, Camila's skin was the only one getting tanned. Lauren stayed pale as fuck. There was no good music on the radio, she discovered on Wednesday, flipping through station after station until music genres mixed in her brain. She'd watched every single comedy recommended on Netflix. On Thursday, Camila had finished "It", leaving her with nothing to do but stare at the ceiling for an hour before venturing down the stairs.

"I'm bored," she sighs, sitting next to Lauren. She mumbles some form of an agreement while shifting in her place. Then an idea struck.

"Do you know how to drive stick?"


Camila shrieks as the jeep lurches forward with a grinding noise causing Lauren to chuckle.

"You have to push in the clutch when you shift!" the latter laughs.

"I did! I did!" she lets go of the steering wheel as another noise sounds from the engine causing her to cover her eyes as laughter takes over Lauren. She'd driven them out to an empty parking lot before commanding Camila to get in the driver's seat and it wasn't much, but at least they now had something to do.

"Push the clutch in." she points to her Converse clad foot and the girl does so obediently. Lauren then proceeds to switch gears. "Now let it out slowly," she instructs. The jeep jerks forward before stopping again once her foot is on the break. "I said slow!" She laughs once again, falling back into the passenger seat as Camila rolls her eyes. She enjoyed the girl's laughter just as she had adored her smile. It rolled around in her lungs before spilling out of her mouth like a hummed tune only the brunette would know.

She repeats her earlier instructions and the jeep begins to gradually move forward. Camila gasps and Lauren praises her all too soon as the jeep rams into a nearby light post.

"Shit..." Lauren winces at the smoke emitting from under the hood. But for a moment she doesn't care, turning to the girl next to her with a lopsided grin. She'd clasped her hands over her mouth with wide eyes and an expression that made it clear she was conjuring up a way to apologize.

"You okay? Did you get hurt?" She asks with that grin still on her face. Why was she smiling? Shouldn't she be mad? Releasing the breath she'd been holding in, Camila frantically begins to stutter how she didn't mean to and that it was an accident. The words fall short when Lauren places her hands on both of her shoulders. She opens her mouth to speak, but Camila cuts her off.

With a kiss.

It had been so sudden and out of the blue but she reacted quickly, cupping her cheeks tenderly and her heart leapt. She had her wrapped around her pinky and there the girl would stay, even as she pulled away. Her back was pressed firmly into the worn driver's seat, her eyes still sparkling as she stares directly ahead to the ruined hood. Lauren, instead, kept her eyes trained on the girl.

"I've never been kissed," she states, biting the inside of her cheek to keep herself from looking at the girl. A soft smile works its way onto her pale face, her fingers tugging at the tan arm making it impossible for her to remain looking ahead. As soon as she turns, her hand is back on her cheek and their lips meet once more. She was careful with her. She wanted to make sure she'd knew that she would take care of her without words. And once the kiss was over, Camila smiled and she laughed because that's what they loved most about each other.

"I'm gonna go call my dad," she clears her throat before hopping out of the jeep. As her phone rung several times in the wait of being answered, she couldn't help but think how Camila was illecebrous; alluring, enticing, hers. Mr. Jauregui picked up on the second call, a groan escaping the man as his daughter explained the current situation. He was there in a squad car fifteen minutes later, both teens beaming yet silent.

But there was something still pinching in the back of Lauren's mind.


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[ edited on july 17, 2019 ]

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