23. Mellifluous

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She forced the girl to go to school the next day.

After every shitty hour of every shitty class, she was dying to know if the brunette was okay. Of course, she would be, why wouldn't she be? As she entered the hospital with a bag full of textbooks and carrying equations that were basically another language, she felt something similar to relief. Andrea had smiled at her from behind the counter and she could see that Camila's door was open down the hall. She was okay.

Camila sat crisscross at the end of her bed, a blanket wrapped around her shoulders. Her face lit up with Lauren's favorite smile as she entered.

"Hey! Oh my god, is that all the math homework? Set it on the bed, we'll start right now because it'll take a while," she spoke quickly as Lauren did as instructed. Her voice was mellifluous to her; a sound that is sweet, smooth, and pleasing to hear.

She wanted to kiss the brunette, for sounding like a dream. But she didn't and she doesn't know why. Camila wasn't lying when she said she wanted to get started at once, throwing open a textbook while glancing at the first worksheet. She chuckles because the girl had pretty little brown eyes fluttering over the page, causing her long eyelashes to brush her brow bone before kissing her under eyes as she blinked. Her voice broke out into the silence, rapidly spitting out numbers and radicals and theorems Lauren surely wouldn't understand.

After the sun was completely gone from the sky outside her window, they finally gave up and laid side by side to watch whatever type of Japanese game show that was playing on the small tv in the corner of the room. She truly seemed better except for the occasional cough. Lauren didn't want to go home and leave her alone, but Camila forced her to. She laughed profanities and commands of how education was important and how it was required if you wanted to do something with your life. She decided to argue back examples of famous people who barely knew what two plus three was and went on to create great works of art or who wrote classic novels without finishing high school.

In the end, Camila won, of course, it wasn't another hour or so until Lauren actually left. The brunette was lying on her back, looking down at the girl with freckled cheeks who was laying on her stomach, eyes closed to enjoy the feeling of the girl's hand twirling around her black hair. With a sigh, Lauren's lips curled slightly, grabbing onto the brunette's other hand. She messed with the position of their fingers, her thumb tracing over the girl's knuckles and palm. Hand in hand, they were joined and she loved the feeling of when their skin met each other.

Just as she was beginning to fall asleep, Camila's voice kept her awake. "You should probably go now," she was tired, a yawn following after her statement and Lauren assumed they'd given her medication already.

"I promised I wouldn't leave," sleep crept into her voice and she moved into a comfier position.

"You aren't. You'll be back tomorrow. Plus, I'm not going to stop hounding you until you do and–" Lauren cuts her off with a groan and a hasty agreement. Taking her tan hand that was still wrapped around her own, she rests her lips on the soft skin on the back of her hand.

"I want that on my lips," she says causing her to chuckle before giving her the kiss she wanted.

Only after that did she leave.


"So, are you guys dating yet?"

That was the ongoing question of Tuesday. Dinah was the first to ask, standing by the girl's locker as Lauren had a barely noticeable smile on her face.

"What's on your face?" she asks suspiciously.


"Because of Camila?"

Her smile grew and at that point, Dinah didn't need an answer.

"Have you kissed her yet?" she eases in, trying to avoid eye contact so Lauren couldn't go off on her. Instead of what she expected, a single laugh leaves her mouth and she turns to look at the blonde with daydream glossing over her eyes. She nods a little and Dinah has to bite her tongue at the new information. The last time she'd heard that Lauren was in a relationship (Normani had told her about Lucy and neither counted it seeing as it lasted for what? A minute?) was freshman year. Normani had explained how the girl had been heartbroken upon seeing Alexa and Luis holding hands in the hall. After that, Lucy had moved in and she'd had a crush on her until they very briefly "dated".

"Wow," her smile was contagious, spreading to the blonde's face. Dinah closes her locker and leans against it with one shoulder to look at her as her own green eyes closed. Gripping the straps of her backpack, she allowed her head to fall back against the wall. "You kissed her," she beams.

"Mhmm," she chuckles, the hum was rather sing-songy.

"And you liked it," that was a statement rather than a question.

"Hell yeah," she mumbles, eyes still closed as she tried to remember what Camila's touch felt like.

"More than once?"


"So are you guys dating yet?"

Lauren snapped her eyes open and turned to her best friend. Dating?

"What?" Dinah had struck a nerve, the girl no longer dreaming but now fully awake. She was still relaxed, she just never thought about it like that before. Dating? They had never discussed the topic, it had never come up in conversation. But what they were doing... didn't that fall into the category of dating.

"Yeah, I mean..." Dinah trails off and Lauren shakes her head, looking forward again.

"I don't even know at this point."

"Do you love each other? I mean, you have to."

Lauren adjusts her bag, "There's a difference between loving someone and being in love," she shrugs, even her voice sounded unsure and Dinah rolls her eyes.

"Care to explain the difference?"

"Not really, no," she shakes her head and before Dinah can get the final word, the first bell rings and Lauren was off. Avoiding shit like that was definitely a talent, but she couldn't avoid it for long.

"When are you going to ask her out?" Normani pressures almost as soon as Lauren had sat down in her first class of the day. She groans. It was an ongoing question.


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[ edited on july 17, 2019 ]

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