Prologue: Betrayal and Gain

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Prologue: Sonic was left for dead by his friends, and was nearly killed by jet and his friends.

But was informed by Team Rose that told him he was gonna get kill by his friends before it happened but, unfortunately when they thought he was dead, the tossed him in a portal, that was in the freedom fighter laboratory, to get rid of him and erased his presence.
  When sonic was in the portal, he was consumed by sadness, fear and a bit of anger. Sadness because of his friends betrayal, fear because he thought he was over because,he thought that the portal would take him to a bottomless abyss.
Anger because, of Jet nearly taking his life.

  Sonic closed his eyes and waited his death, but little did sonic know, portal was a dimensional portal.

  Sonic soon land on ground and he look around,what he seen was a plain grass field with small and one big hill, he was liking it, than tried to get up that he passed out, do to a sudden loss of energy.

  When sonic was passed out, he slept for a day until, til some woke him up.

"HEY! Sleepy head get up. Time is ticking" said the person. Soon sonic awakens from his sleep to see two people standing above him.

One was a white Mink with blue eyes with gold tuff of hair on chest, and dark gray pigment around his eyes. He wore glove similar the silver and had boots that had light grey bottom and tip, with two gold bars a cross the boots and light grey top.

Next to the Mink was a female black cat, she was all black and her mouth was hidden and had blue eyes and had red pigment and round her eyes, her hair was black but, the tips was cyan

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Next to the Mink was a female black cat, she was all black and her mouth was hidden and had blue eyes and had red pigment and round her eyes, her hair was black but, the tips was cyan. She had red gem on her chest and two on in front of her black heels.

 She had red gem on her chest and two on in front of her black heels

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...And both reminded he of Blaze and Silver

And both reminded he of Blaze and Silver

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Sonic: The Gain from Betrayal Where stories live. Discover now