Chapter 8

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Every single question asked made the group so happy. They were all sad to leave. Bob and Wade were chatting and walking out to the main area while the new couple stayed behind. Jack pulled out his phone and saw dozens of texts and missed calls from multiple people in the pack, each one regarding the mystery voice in the call with his mom earlier that morning.

Mom: Who was that? 

             You better respond young man!


Father: Sean, your mother is making a big scene over something, message her soon.

                Your mother filled me in on what's happening, who was that and whats going on????

Jack held his breath. He knew his family and pack would react well to the news but he was still scared. What if they didn't like Mark? Or worse, what if Mark didn't like the pack? The young omega was torn from his thoughts by a hand on his shoulder.

"Jack? Sean? Are you okay? You're about to make your fingers bleed." Jack hadn't noticed but he had been biting his nails.

"Yeah I'm alright, just nervous... I know my family will react well to me coming back and smelling of you but... I'm still scared."

The two made their way out to the main area and started going booth to booth.

"We can worry about that later, right now, you need to enjoy yourself! Come on, lets go to Overwatch booth!" Mark exclaimed, grabbing the Irishman's hands and running through the crowd.

"Hell yeah! I'll beat your ass at the demo game!"


"Do you think he found his mate?" Shona asked her beloved mate.

"It may be so. Did you recognize the voice?" Heiro questioned. She shook her head no. The alpha cursed under his breath. "Maybe he will call back soon."


Before they knew it, the day was coming to an end. The group had met up at the hotel and were getting ready to go out to eat. Besides the panels, they hadn't gotten to hang out. Jack was a ball of energy, bouncing in place while waiting with Mark in the lobby for the other two. 

Jack groaned, "I wish they would hurry up! they're taking forever!"

Mark stifled a laugh as Wade walked up behind Jack and leaned all his weight on him.

"I'm so so sorry Jackie baby~" Wade teased.

For some reason, despite no real threat, Mark felt angry. A small involuntary growl escaped his lips. Jack noticed and pushed Wade off gently and made his was to Mark.

"So! Where to?"

They decided on Steak n' Shake since it was open 24 hours. They got seated and noticed quickly that they were the only ones in the restaurant besides an old couple who seemed to be getting up to leave.

The waitress walked over and leaned over the table slightly before asking for everyone's order. Bob was first, then Wade, then Jack, and finally... Mark. The waitress seemed to pay extra attention to him, leaning closer to him as he spoke. Mark seemed oblivious to this but Jack was furious. Once Mark finished jack grabbed all their menus and slammed them at the end of the table, glaring at the girl as she scoffed and stomped away.

"Bitch..." Jack mumbled, crossing his arms. Mark laughed and placed a silent hand on Jack's knee. This simple notion calmed the omega. 

They all chatted and joked around while they waited for their food. Jack learned more about Bob and Wade while they did the same. Their chit chat was interrupted by the flirtatious waitress. Jack scoffed and mumbled a 'thank you'. He never broke eye contact with her. A beta. Outlawed. 

She placed a hand on Mark's arm and told them, well, Mark that if they needed anything else to just yell for her. She winked and left. 

Bob whistled, "Mark... always the ladies man, right boys?" He chuckled, "Ask for her number, she's cute!" 

"I'm not interested." Mark said rather coldly. He took a bite of his burger.

"But why? She's cute and is obviously into you!"

"Bob. No. I am not interested. I have eyes for someone else right now." Jack blushed, slowly eating some fries.

"Okay. Okay. Sorry Mark I didn't know."

After a couple minutes the awkward tension left them and they were back to laughing and chunking fries at each other. 

They all got up to pay and leave, Jack being the last one. Mark and the others were waiting outside for him. Their waitress pulled the person checking him out to the side and took over for him. 

"So Sean, why are you in the states? Shouldn't you be back home, playing all goody-two-shoes with your daddy?" The beta laughed, finishing the transaction.

"It's none of your business, Rachel." He growled. Rachel was only recently outlawed. The two were once close but grew apart as they grew older.  

Rachel tried to overthrow his family and take over the pack. This idea was stupid in more ways than one considering she was only a beta, a middle class wolf. She seemed weak.

"Who's that handsome piece of ass out there? You wreak of him." Rachel asked. She was staring at him.

"Leave him alone, you fuckin' slut" Jack snapped. Mark sensed his anger and ran up to him.

"Come on. Let's go back guys." Mark somewhat ordered. 

Everyone obliged and they started walking.

They talked as they walked and something started to feel wrong. Jack's vision was blurring and the world around him seemed to grow hotter.

Jack was going into a premature heat do to stress.


Did ya miss me? I'm sorry it's not too long idk where im going with this right now. I started reading Paint a Wolf by GalaxyKitty on Archive of Our Own and its SOOOOO good. It's another wolf septiplier story if you're interested. I would still like to do a Q&A chapter, leave some questions in the comments!! If you wanna keep up with me and my life follow me on my instagrams! My main is @wonderwall.snb and my art account is @ sydsartdump!  

Updates will still be kinda slow and I apologize. 

♥ syd

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