Chapter 5

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Aurora pov
I was looking for Hermonie and I found her in the library. I handed her a mirror and the paper. "Basilisk that is it but why the mirror." If you look it in the eyes you die but if you see the eyes through the reflection you are just petrified. "Why are you doing this?" Hermonie my brother make me out to be a villain I really am not. He treats me horribly my parents won't even look at me and don't want me coming home for holiday breaks do you know how difficult that is. Plus my brother cares about you. You're his best friend and I think he has a crush on you. I rather him cry over you being in the state of petrification and not dead. He can hate me all he wants but I hate seeing him upset. "Won't you need the mirror?" I am a pure-blood Slytherin I will be fine you're a muggle-born Gryffindor. Salazar Slytherin hated muggle-borns and Gryffindors alike.

Harry Pov
We were sitting by Hermonie's bed when I felt paper in her hand. Ron look Hermonie figured it out! He took the paper and paled then spoke. "this is not Hermonie's work it say they are getting around by pipes. that is not her hand writing that is my sisters. I pull out a note and handed it to Ron. "This is Hermonies writing he then then reads the letter out loud. "Your sister stopped by the library with the information that's the page she ripped out of the book when we were getting the school supplies. She told me she rather you be upset because I was petrified then dead. She said even though he hates me I hate seeing him sad. She asked me to tell you not to tell anyone got to keep her reputation. She also told me WTSTF I don't know what that means.

Ron's pov
I know what that meant Weasley Twins Stick Together Forever. But I could never forgive her for what she has done to our family. All students must return to their common room immediately. We went to the girls bathroom where everyone is. "Their bodies will rot in the chamber forever." Our head of house Asked a question. "Who was taken?" Snape answers "Ginny Weasley and Aurora Weasley. Aurora Weasley went to save her but she too was taken." Herbology teacher spoke "but her sister hates her like most of her family does." "Maybe so but she still loves them dearly." I almost broke down my younger sisters were both in there and I am hating on one who tried to save her. Gitdeory showed up and then said he was going to get ready long story short he is a fraud a memory charm backfired and we rescued our sister. We arrived at Dumbledore office I was carrying a unconscious Aurora while Ginny was freaking out and Mom was fussing over her completely ignoring Aurora. Dad was freaking out over Aurora. "Mom is Aurora ok." Mom scoffed "I am sure she is fine why do you care?" Mom she is unconscious I don't think she is fine she tried to save Ginny even though she has treated her horribly! "Don't raise your voice at me young man." Mom. Mom just ignored Aurora so we took her to the Hospital wing.
Later Molly Pov
I went into the Hospital wing and walked towards a sleeping Ginny passing Aurora. As I watched over Ginny the Malfoy's showed up. Narcissa saw me I glared at the child she shut the curtains. "Cissa Lucius I had to try and save my sister she is my sister wether she hates me or not." I heard Lucius speak "it is fine dear although you know my beliefs I know someone would do anything for someone they care about or love friend or family." Narcissa speaks "My cousin Sirius despite our beliefs was willing to protect us even if we hated him. You are going to spend a week at your house then your dad will be taking you to ours by apparation because our floo network is not connected at the moment." "Sound good I can't wait. They leave only leaving Draco. "Don't scare me like that again please. I care for you deeply. The curtain was slightly open and I watch him take her hand. "I know I care deeply for you but promise me you'll always be there for me." "Of course Aurora only if you promise me the same." They pinky promised. Soon she was asleep and he was in the chair next to her bed passed out as well.

End of the end of the year feast
"Another year comes to an end with Gryffindor winning but we have to add points 50 points to Aurora Weasley for trying to save her sister even if they have had a falling out. I believe that calls for a change of decoration. SLYTHERIN WINS." I smile and my table lifts me up we are laughing I am so happy that I don't see the scowl I get from my sister, Percy and twin brother. I blow Draco a kiss 💋 and wink at him causing him to blush. We board the train and I was talking to Fred and George when Fred said "Stay away from Draco I saw the way he looked at you." He is my best friend "his family is evil you heard dad." George I can be friends with him if I want. His parents have been better than my own. Ron pops in during our conversation. "He is right choose him or us." Woah woah woah no I will not choose between my family and best friend. Also frankly Ronald you don't have a right to make me choose seeing as you don't even talk to me. And you guys know the Malfoy's have been nothing but good to me like I said better then our own parents. We start fighting and I am done. OBVIOUSLY WE'RE NOT FAMILY IF YOU WANT TO MAKE ME CHOOSE. That's not ok! With that I storm out and find Draco. "Are you ok Aurora?" No looks like I'm going home with you ain't going to the burrow. He nodded and once it came to a stop when Narcissa saw me she smiled sadly and apparated us to the Malfoy Manor. I unpacked in my room and knew this would be a long summer. I only stayed a week then went back to the burrow.
A week later
I have done nothing to you Mom I don't know why you hate me so much! "Because all Slytherin go bad I really don't even want you in my house! If it wasn't for your father you wouldn't even have a room here!" She faltered when she saw tears coming down my face. She reached to touch me but I flinched and said don't hit me please mom don't hit me again. She scowled at me.
Ron pov
I watched them fight and saw her flinch when my mom went to touch her. Did Mom hit her that why she flinched and asked to not be hit. I watch Mom whack her but honestly I only feel slightly sorry. She ran up to her room which was in the attic.

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