Aurora pov
Katie Bell has returned and we watched her me more discreetly than Draco but who could blame him be was scarred for life. She talked to Harry and I could tell Draco needed out so I made up and excuse so he could leave. Harry followed him I knew shit would hit the fan so I followed after. I heard Draco scream in pain I ran in there and see him on the ground covered in blood. Draco! I ran to him and fell to my knees. "Aurora..." Stay away Harry go get help now! I will kill you if I lose him. I cast a spell at Harry and he says one and my temple gets cut open. We fire spells and I am sent into the wall. I scream out in pain my legs cut open. I had a dislocated shoulder. Snape came running in and helped him I chased after Harry in to the Gryffindor common room. I was taller than him and held him off the ground against the wall. With just one hand not feeling the pain because of the adrenaline. Everyone stood there stunned by the sight I was covered in blood crying and looked like someone killed someone I loved. My brother pulls me off and hugs me. I cried into his shoulder and just fell apart. "What is wrong?" He hurt Draco badly there was so much blood he was barley breathing and I don't know if he is dead or what. There was blood everywhere it was like he was stabbed one hundred times. The whole bathroom floor it was all his blood. You couldn't even see the water that was on the ground at one point. I need to get to the Hospital Wing I need to see him. "Hermione deal with Harry I'm going to take her to the Hospital Wing ok?" So she nodded and sat Harry down. She began lecturing him on a book. Ron picked me up bridal style because I couldn't walk.
Ron pov
I helped her to the hospital wing. People stared at me because I was helping my sister. I helped her to the hospital wing and Poppy gasped at the sight. "Oh sweetie here let's get you a shower and bandage that head wound you got. Oh your leg and arm." Ron help her to the bathroom and get your sister to help her change I'll get a house elf to get her some clothes. I nod and she sits on the toilet. I will be right back ok I'm going to get Ginny.
I head to the common room where they said they are getting rid of the book. Ginny can you wait a minute she needs help getting changed because Harry hurt her. "She attacked me and I fought back but now that I think about it she missed every attack and she has never loss to me. She had no plan on actually hurting me." "When I get back I am taking the book and hiding it." We arrived and she went in there to help her.
Ginny pov
I'm sorry Harry did this to you. You didn't deserve that and I wish I could have saved you. "Draco got the worst of it you can't imagine the pain seeing him dying on the floor." I can't imagine that being Harry I'm hiding the book. "Have him close his eyes and then after hiding it kiss him. I know you like him I can see it in your eyes and I know he likes you." You know you are definitely a Slytherin and shouldn't you be telling your little sister to kiss a guy? "If the guy makes you happy I won't stop you and I know he will." Dose Draco treat you right? "Treats me like an angel like I'm the only thing that matters. Treats me like a warrior princess. He asked me to marry him the day we got the marks. It is the one good thing I can look forward to. We are having a dinner here at school during winter break I'll invite you and the family. Does mom still hate me?" No she never did she was devastated when you left in the middle of the night. She was going to apologise to you the next morning for all she did to you. I got to go feel better I'll check on you later. Love you Aurora. "Love you too sister."
Aurora pov
I sat in the shower and silently cried looking at my arm. I wanted to scream and curse at everything. The universe the world everything I had to go through. Just curse at it and call it stupid for everything it put me through. I finished showering and changed I exited and Snape looked towards me. He saw a broken girl like he saw a broken boy in Draco. She fixed me up and I laid in the same bed as Draco and cried. I just cried as he held me I cried myself to sleep.
Draco pov
Seeing her so broken in my arms. "Draco I thought I lost you or was going to the thought. It was unbearable I felt like I died seeing you like that." I love you and I'm sorry you had to see me like that. "It was Harry's fault not yours. Oh Draco I love you too I never want to lose you I would actually die. I don't think I could live without you." I don't think I could live without you either Aurora I would die as well if I lost you. I promise you will never lose me. "I promise you will never lose me." That was the day we made a promise that we would keep and if one of us died so would the other. Because we loved each other so much we were connected and had one life and the life was us together and I would not let anything happen to her. I vowed to always protect her even if I got myself killed doing so. Little did I know I wouldn't get the chance to die for her. Because she was willing to die for me.

Ron's Twin
FanfictionWhat if Ron had a twin sister? But alike in some ways but not many. She is sorted into Slytherin not Gryffindor. Her parents we ashamed a Weasley in Slytherin! The only people who she thinks still care for her are her brother's Fred, George, Bill an...