My Bloody Rage

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Izuku's P.O.V.

When I was four, I was told that I was Quirkless. All because I was born with two joints in my pinky toe. But the doctor said that he had to tell me something private.

He had lied to my parents. I indeed had a quirk, but it was a killer Quirk. They looked at all ways for it to be used, but it could only be used to kill. Nothing else was available. It only caused Death. The last person who had this type of Quirk only killed people. I didn't care.

When I got home, my mother apologized for me being Quirkless, and my dad shunned me, called me useless and as valued as dirt on the road.

When I closed the door to my room and locked it, I let one emotion fill me. Rage. Pure Rage.

I felt Insanity fill me. I grinned with my eyes wide. My mother and father were both in front of the door, telling me to open it. I could feel and see my Quirk activating. 'Bloody Rage'. Whenever I crossed the mental border, my Quirk, Bloody Rage, will activate. It allows me to control a persons blood flow. It was a deep red mist surrounding me. It was almost completely black.

My father kicked the door open, hinges falling off the wall. They gasped when they saw me. They both thought that I didn't have a Quirk, and the next thing they saw was blood. Their blood covered the floors and the walls, as it splashed on my face. I kicked their bodies aside as I walked out of my room, now having a straight face with a deep Rage in my gaze. 

I walked out of my apartment, not caring about the blood covering me and my clothes. I looked back at the apartment, and I blinked.

One second everyone inside was alive, and the building was unharmed.

The next, however, all were dead, and the building was drowning in their blood.

I walked away like nothing happened. People driving and walking by called the police about what had happened, all in an instant. They reported me, but I disappeared before the police could find me. I let my mist cover me, so I was hidden, and built a makeshift home in a very dark alley, where people wouldn't find me easily. I was more calm, so Bloody Rage deactivated.

The sun rose up, and I fell asleep. No sunlight reached me. It was peaceful like this until I woke up the next day. I didn't have any food or water to eat and drink. I was hungry and thirsty. I pulled a big shirt over my head, and walked to a more public area. There was still some police at the building, so I evaded them as best I could. I got to a more public area, and a Hero saw me as I was sitting on the ground, all alone. She walked up to me and tapped my shoulder. I looked up at her, and she asked me a couple of questions.

"Hey, boy. Where's your home?"

"Don't have one." I responded, now looking at a lady that was sitting down.

"Where are your parents? Did they leave you here to get you something?"

"They're not here. They left me behind. Abandoned me." She gave me a sorry look.

"Do you want me to take care of you?" My eyes widened as I looked at her face more clearly. She was wearing a helmet. I thought a little bit, then remembered who she was.

"Mandalay of the Wild, Wild Pussycats?" She nodded and smiled. I stood up slowly, and started to run away. She stood up and started to chase me.

"Hey! Why are you running?" She called after me, probably not informed of last night's incident. She listened to her earpiece as the information of last night's incident came to her. Her eyes widened as she was described of a boy, me.

"I have him right in from of me, I'll send you my location." I started running even faster. This was one reason of why I hate 'Heroes'. They can go from completely kind, to wanting to capture you in an instant.

The other three members of the Wild, Wild Pussycats, including several other Pro Heroes came out in front of me, making me turn in another direction. One did a wide grin, which I saw out of the corner of my eye. OH no! A trap!! I ran into the shadows on the side of the alley, and hid myself with Bloody Rage's mist, since I was panicking, it activated because of that.

Several other Pro Heroes came from the direction I was about to run into, to find nobody here. My mist made me hidden from a normal person's sight. I was sure that someone would find me sooner or later, though. I was ready to make a run for it, if needed.

"There's nobody here!!"

"What!?" The other Heroes came into the area in front of me, and I tried my best to keep quiet and still. I had one arm on the wall, and one hand on my mouth to muffle the breathing sounds.

"He should have needed to come through here!!" The Hero named Death Arms yelled as he punched the wall, right next to where I was. Bloody Rage's mist spread all around them. They were all surprised when they saw the mist, and saw a blur, which was me running behind them.

I had a newfound thrill in running away from the Pro Heroes and the people whom 'defended justice'. I turned around and stuck my tongue out at them. They got angrier as I turned back around. They couldn't get closer than twenty meters, some even collapsed. The reason why? Me. I'm learning to control Bloody Rage in new ways. I am slowing their blood rates, so they have to breath more and faster, and as they do that, they are using up more energy.

I grinned as the last Hero fell off my tail. I went back to my makeshift home, it seemed I got chased around in a circle. I ended up stealing a bunch of people's supplies as I passed them, not noticing the weight differences in their bags. I even got a couple of wallets.

I looked at my earnings. I had two water bottles, a few bags of hot food, and two bags of cooler foods. In the wallets I found 20,974 yen. I had quite a load of things. I could survive at least a month with what I had. I went out again and bought a cheap but big backpack to put my things in.

When I returned, nobody had taken my things, but a dog had found my food. I glared at him, and he was thrown to a wall and popped like a balloon, sending blood all over my home. I didn't get dirty, however. Everything was okay, so I packed my things. I drank some water, and found out I finished the second bottle. So I went back to the store I got my bag from and bought three new water bottles. I also recycled the two plastic water bottles I finished.

After that, I walked to another dark alley and fell asleep, shadows washing over me as I slept in the bright daylight. Another peaceful rest in the light of day. I smiled in my sleep.

This is so much fun...!

I wonder what waits for me in the future...

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