On the Run

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Izuku's P.O.V.

I ended up killing someone again...shit.

Why is it so hard not to kill someone with this Quirk!?

I guess it isn't, since Blood controls a persons' blood flow...

I looked at my hand. It emitted a new Indigo-Black mist instead of it's normal over-dyed blood color. Blood's new mist was, apparently, to make a person lose all the oxygen and or water in their blood, instantly killing them.

I can make Blood more concentrated, so he can become an object, and then connect to my body if I wanted him to.

And for some reason, I think of Blood as a person, but I don't care.

I could also activate Blood without having to become panicked, I could just think of Blood's mist and it would activate. It would still activate if I was pushed past the line, but I didn't have to get panicked to just activate it. I was getting proud at my progress of my Quirk. I found many ways for it to be used without killing somebody. I deactivated my Quirk as I got into a more public area.

I was walking around in a busy square, when the news suddenly turned on, to show the new Breaking News.

*Sorry for the intrusion, everyone. We have been informed of the main suspect for a mass killing at an apartment building. It was in the middle of the night, when all the people in the building was killed in an instant. We believe that this boy is the one who caused the massacre of all these families.*

A picture appeared on the big screen, and I panicked at what it presented to everyone.

A picture appeared on the big screen, and I panicked at what it presented to everyone

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It was a picture of me when I was running away from the Heroes.

*We have been told of his signs of rebellion as he did not allow himself to be caught. He is now seen to be walking around public areas, if you see him, please contact any and all nearby Heroes and police.*

The big screen went back to it's normal show. I was still shocked at how they managed to get a picture of me, I didn't see a camera, while I had my Quirk activated.

"Hey! Isn't that him right over there!?" A man yelled, as I turned around, and started running. Blood managed to activate while I was looking at the big screen. Several people screamed as I pushed my way into the alleys again. I knew almost all of the ways the alleys go, so that was the place I felt safest, but I was sure that some of the Heroes did too, so I was always on guard.

I made Blood more concentrated, he was now a pair of wings on my back. I jumped up, and flew over the buildings. Those troublesome 'Heroes' spotted me while I was soaring over the city, and tried shooting me down. I was out of gun range, so the bullets never reached me. But I was worried about that other 'Hero', 'Hawks'. He could fly, and he could attack me, so I dived down into the dark alleys of the city to hide.

I wasn't lucky.

"There he is!" I growled in my throat.

"Dammit!" I went even faster, but he had more experience in aerial chases. He was extremely quick. Did he have more experience in diving and skyrocketing than me, though?

I grinned as I flipped over to see him going over me. I went closer to the ground, and as he dove to catch me, I rocketed into the sky. He was caught off-guard with that. He stopped and looked up at me, I was already a couple of miles in the sky. When I reached the level where I was at the clouds, I stopped and looked down to see 'Hawks' rocketing towards me with at least three times less speed than me. I went a little higher, where the air was thinner than what people would need. He stopped lower than the level I was at before. He was glaring at me, and I stuck my tongue out with my hands at my head. I could feel something infecting my left eye, and I knew that it was Blood. He seemed to be telling me to come to him.

"If you go any higher, you're going to die! The air is already too thin at this level!" I inched farther up to taunt him. His face was getting more stressed out as the farther up I was going up.

I tucked my tongue in, as well as my arms when I got to a certain level. I could still breath perfectly fine, the air that Blood had absorbed from other people was supplying me. I glared in his eyes with a straight face, and he shuddered.

I grinned again, still glaring.

"Who said that the air was too thin? I'm still breathing perfectly fine." His eyes widened. He was confused. I took a deep breath, and disappeared from his vision instantly. He looked around, and when he looked down, I was just a little blue and emerald spot getting farther from him, and closer to the ground. It was a busy block we were over now, completely different area. People noticed the person that was diving to them, hundreds of miles an hour, with the 'Hero' named 'Hawks' pretty far behind.

I kept going down, and people were running to all the walls and the shops to avoid us. 'Hawks' was starting to catch up to me when he realized that we were both getting all to close to the ground. He kept going after me, even thought he knew that I could get critically injured.

Right before I hit the ground, I puled out so I went straight, parallel to the ground. I went up and slowed down as he did the same. I landed on the ground, and he pulled two of his longest feathers out of his wings and they looked like they were getting hard, swords.

I reached both of my hands out, and Blood also became two swords accompanying the wings.

I grinned as we both got into battle stances.

The fight between us had begun right there.

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