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| Jahseh Onfroy |

It's been two days since I exchanged numbers with Jarad. It actually surprised me how fast we clicked. At first I was gonna go out with him so he can meet stokeley and I figured it wouldn't be that bad, now I find myself getting really excited for it.

I didn't mention anything about it to stokeley yet. The plan was to just have him be here when Jarad comes to pick me up and they'll meet then.

Something's telling me that I should at least warn him. Stokeley isn't the nicest person. If he's caught off guard he catches the biggest attitude.

The date is later tonight and I've invited stokeley over now so I can tell him that I have a date. I can already hear the complaining and "no you don't, Jahseh"

We haven't been friends for long but stokeley acts like it's been years.

Letting out a loud groan, I shift through all my clothes to find an outfit. I usually don't give a fuck but this is someone important. I can't go out in some sweatpants and a T-shirt.

There's a loud knock on the door, momentarily snapping me out of my stressing. I wait a few seconds and sigh in relief when the following pattern comes. Even if stokeley is gonna pout like a child about my date, he can still help me figure out what to wear.

I rush down the steps, losing my footing and almost tumbling the rest of the way. Dates aren't really my thing so I'm way to nervous to even remember to put one foot in front of the other.

When I open the door I'm greeted by stokeley picking me up "I missed you, vro"

My faces scrunches up and I try to push myself out his arms "Ew. Put me down stokeley"

After a few more minutes of him squishing me in his arms he sets me down. I look up and notice his cheeks are red and he's rubbing the back of his neck.

My whole body feels like it's on fire from being in his arms. I get slightly frustrated that he's making me feel this way before my date. I don't understand why he does stuff like that.

"You've been avoiding me for two days, Dwayne"

I physically cringe when I hear my middle name leave his parted lips.

I shut the door and make my way into the living room "I haven't been avoiding you, stoke. I've just been figuring some things out"

I've spent a lot of time on FaceTime with Jarad. I'll answer stokeleys messages as soon as he texts me, I just told him we can't hangout yet. I was scared that I'd slip up and tell him everything, ruining the surprise.

Stokes arms wrap around my waist from behind and he lays his head on my shoulder, completely pressing us together.

"I missed you best friend"

My cheeks start to feel hot and I slowly pry myself away from him. I've never really had a problem with how cuddly stoke can be but today it just all felt like too much.

"It's been two days, stoke" I roll my eyes

When I look up a notice a hurt expression spread across his face. His eyebrows are scrunched together and he looks focused on his thoughts.

Before he can really think too much of it, I wrap my arms around his torso and dig my face into his chest "I missed you too though"

There's a deep chuckle before I feel stokeley softly kiss my forehead "what are we doing tonight?"

My body tenses up at the question. I didn't even think about the fact that he would be thinking we're spending the night together. I already know that's gonna piss him off.

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