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| Stokeley Goulbourne |

"You got a nice ass house" i look around in awe as we walk in.

Jarad walks closely behind Jahseh with his arm wrapped tightly around his waist. I knew I should've never agreed to hanging out with the both of them today. I knew if I didn't Jahseh would bitch about it.


I only nod my head in acknowledgment. If I look over at them it'll just ruin my whole mood. I spent most of the day with niyah yesterday. I forgot I had told her I'd spend today with her too.

My eyes snap over to Jahseh when I hear him laugh. His hands are prying jarads off of him while jarads is stuffing his face in his neck.

He reaches up and pushes his face "move, I'm going to get a drink"

"Nah, lemme come with you" he mumbles softly while quickly latching on to Jahseh again

"Talk to stokeley, this is suppose to be your time to hangout" he finally gets him to let go before turning around and chuckling at the pout on his lips.

I want to walk away but I can't get myself to do it. So I stand and watch the two make faces at each other like true faggots.

Jarad grabs Jahsehs arms and wraps them around his neck before leaning down and kissing him.

"Ewwwwa" my face scrunches up before my mouth drops, realizing I'm the one who said it.

They pull away and Jarad laughs. Jahseh meets my eyes before dropping his head.

It's been like this since what happened at the club. He doesn't ever want to make eye contact but is always asking to talk about what happened.

I thought I'd honestly got over it until I almost called Jahsehs name while I was fucking niyah. I caught myself just in time but I can tell she knew what I was gonna day.

Niyahs always had this sting hatred for Jahseh and I never really understood why. I've never allowed them to meet or speak at all. Jahseh doesn't even know she exists. I don't talk about girls around him, shit just doesn't feel right.

I'm not serious about her at all, we're barely friends. I started fucking her when I first met kimetrius. She had just became his roommate and metri wanted to see who could get her first.

I honestly wasn't a part of the stupid ass bet but I fucked her at the welcoming party he threw her. Ever since then it's been an on and off thing. We go weeks without speaking to each other. All I have to do is show up and it'll be right back to where we left off.

"You good?"

I snap out of my thoughts and notice Jahseh is no longer in the room. Jarad is standing there looking at me weird. I nod my head before turning away and looking around.

He walks away and gestures for me to follow him. I hesitate before following closely behind. We walk into a big living room decorated in black, red and white.

He takes a seat on the black couch before pointing to the white chair in front of him. I sit silently while still looking around.

Nice as a bitch

"If you look in that drawer there should be a baggie"

Turning to the side I pop the drawer open and pick up the clear baggie.

How the fu-

"Kimetrius told me"

I nod my head before unzipping it and pulling out an already rolled blunt. I look over and see his hand out so I toss him the bag.

As soon as I light it Jahseh comes out the kitchen carrying two root beer cans. He pauses in his steps and gives me a disappointed look.

Jarad grabs his hand and pulls him around the couch when he sees the look he's sending me. I can't help but notice how close they've gotten. Jah hasn't told me anything lately, not that I think he will anymore but I still would've thought he'd tell me if they started dating.

I light the blunt and look over at the two "what's going on with you two?"

Jah turns his head away and sips on the root beer so I turn my attention solely on Jarad. He doesn't looks as bothered as Jahseh does.

He shrugs his shoulders "we're just chillin"

"So you're not together?"

He blows the smoke past his lips "that's mines"

I bet

I nod slowly "hmm"

Jah sends me a pleading look before smiling at Jarad. I don't know what he's scared about. I'm the one who wanted to forget everything. Why would I bring that shit up?

"You got a girl, stokeley?" A teasing smile makes its way on his lips.

My head tilts side to side "ehh, if you wanna call her that"

They both look equally as surprised by my answer. I can't help but get a little angry, I'm not ugly at all, Jahseh should know.

"What's her name?" Jah speaks up


Jarad chuckles and I subtly roll my eyes. This nigga is always laughing about something. I don't ever see what's so fucking funny.

Jah sits up "you've never told me about a girl"

A smirk spreads across my lips and I shrug unapologetically. There's a lot we haven't told each other, obviously.

"Jahseh was on some other shit when I told him I wanted him to be mine" he tries to spark up a different conversation when the air got too tense.

I raise my eyebrow "really?"

No matter how much I try I can not sound interested in shit he says. Instead of calling me out on my fake interest me he chuckles and nods.

"He swore I was gonna fuck with someone else. I had to sit here for a good two hours and let him know I'm trying to just fuck with him" he leans up and ashes out before reaching for a small box and setting the roach inside.

"When was this?" This time I sound genuinely interested

He tilts his head back "around last Monday"

I look over at Jah "so it's been a luh bit?"

Jah hesitantly nods his head.


"Well" I look at Jarad and chuckle "you've got a loyal one"


I'm not gon' hold you, this was bad as hell😭


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