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| Jahseh Onfroy |

"Nothing's going on with me and stokeley" I tilt my head back and let the drink run down my throat right after the lie leaves my lips.

She sighs softly "it's just, you're always with him and he wouldn't even let me meet you. So I thought maybe he was lying. This is gonna sound really fucking weird now but he almost called me your name during sex"

I violently start to choke on my drink. My hand lets the bottle slip to reach up and pat my own chest. Niyah curses lightly before rushing over and patting my back.

"I'm so sorry!"

My coughing starts to die down but there's a slight pain in my chest and throat. I clear my throat over and over again, mostly to clear it out but a part of me doesn't want to have to pick up conversation.

"Are you okay?" She tips her head down and looks me in the eyes

The concern has my chest aching even more. I nod my head before walking to the sick and wiping my mouth. I avoid eyes contact and head straight to the mop and start cleaning up the mess I've made.

There's an awkward silence in the room. All you can hear is my heavy breathing and the faint swipe of the mop.

"I didn't mean to make you do that. I'm just trying to understand stokeley" she speaks softly.

I sigh before putting the mop away and picking up the empty bottle "I don't even understand stokeley"

It's the truth. Stokeley isn't someone to be understood. Trying is just gonna be a complete waste of time. It's either take him as he is or leave and go to someone much simpler.

She wrings her fingers together before standing up straight "do you think he could be gay? Maybe he has a crush on you"

I chuckle lightly "I can promise you he's not gay. I'm pretty sure you were just hearing things"

"Can you just talk to him at some point about it?" She pleads

I let out a reluctant sigh and nod my head. There's really no point in talking to him. I already know she's telling the truth. What I need to do is distance myself until this dies down. We both silently walk into the living room. Stokeley laid out on the couch with a smirk on his face while Jarad looks lost in thought.

My heart starts to race when I look at the teasing look on stokeleys face.

He wouldn't

I turn towards Jarad and lay my hand on his shoulder "what's wrong?"

His shoulders tense before he looks up with a small smile. I suck my breath in so I don't let out a suspicious sigh of relief.

"Nothing" he pulls my arm so that im sitting sideways across his lap.

Small giggles fill out the room and I look over towards stokeley and niyah. She laid on top of my has his arms are wrapped tightly around her, he's fighting off a smile as he playfully nips at her nose.

They're a cute couple, anybody would think so. It hurts a little knowing that I'll never get to be like that with stokeley but I know I'll have to get over it. I look back at Jarad and see a conflicted look on his face. The more I spend time with him the less he looks like stokeley and that's a good thing.

I couldn't be with someone who reminds me so much of him. I lean up and peck his cheek "why do you look for conflicted?"

He shakes his head before smiling and pecking my lips a few times. A wide and genuine smile spreads across my lips at the action.

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