Epilogue: The Path on Which You Wander

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"I don't want you to go," said Scorpius again, glumly.

"I don't want to go either," Albus reminded him. "But it's only for a couple of weeks."

"I know," he sighed. "Two weeks too long in my opinion."

The last two weeks of Albus' perfect holiday in Edinburgh had come to an end. Although he had seen everything that the city had to offer in that time, he certainly hadn't had his fill of Scorpius. He very much doubted he ever would. Pippa and Rose had waved him off with the promise that they would see him again once he had moved everything out of his London flat and up to the small studio flat he and Scorpius had found for themselves in the city centre. Scorpius had grudgingly accepted his father's help finding them somewhere for them both to live, in part because the boys wanted their privacy but mainly on Albus' insistence that they live somewhere with working central heating.

Albus checked his watch and sighed, "I'll need to go. My train leaves in a few minutes."

Scorpius bowed his head and nodded, "Okay."

Albus hesitated. He really didn't want to leave. But it only was for a short while this time. He pulled Scorpius into a tight hug, neither willing to let go. Scorpius broke the embrace and wiped tears from his eyes.

"I got something for you," he said roughly. "For the train journey."

Scorpius pulled a small paper bag from his pocket and placed it carefully into Albus' hand. Albus grinned, already knowing what it would be, he peeked inside the bag.

"Pepper Imps," he laughed. Slipping the bag into his pocket he pulled Scorpius into a final embrace.

"Thank you," he whispered before pressing their lips together. Scorpius wrapped his arms around Albus and held him tightly, Albus could feel his tears brush against his cheek as they continued to kiss. Finally they broke away and Albus slung his backpack over his shoulder.

"I'll call you when I get back," he promised. The whistle blew signalling the train was ready to depart. Stealing a final kiss from Scorpius, Albus stepped onto the train. Closing the door behind him he slid the window open and leaned out of it. The train started to move and Scorpius began walking along side it, but it quickly picked up speed and he had to jog to keep up.

"I love you!" shouted Albus, waving furiously.

"I love you, too!" Scorpius cried after him. He stopped dead at the end of the tracks and shouted something that sounded like 'Haste ye back,' but he was too far away now that Albus couldn't be sure he had heard him properly. He kept waving until the train turned the corner and Scorpius was out of sight.

Shuffling down the long corridor to his allocated seat, Albus slumped into his seat and pressed his forehead against the cool glass window, feeling the pain of Scorpius' absence already. He glanced up and saw the shadow of the castle loom overhead, although he paid it no mind. His thoughts wandered to something of far greater interest and importance than any castle. To someone he had just left behind.

Albus pulled the crumpled bag of sweets out from his pocket and rummaged inside for a sweet when he frowned. Inside the bag was a neatly folded piece of parchment. He unfolded the paper and immediately recognised Scorpius' neat handwriting:

May the path on which you wander

Be to you a joy each day

Haste ye back, I love you dearly

Haste ye back...

Albus' heart swelled as he read and reread the poem. Albus was the one who was supposed to be the old romantic, maybe it had rubbed off on Scorpius a little bit. He carefully folded the parchment back up and slipped it into his breast pocket, smiling to himself. It had been seven years since he and Scorpius had first met on a train not too dissimilar to this one when his life had changed forever. Six miserable months since they had parted ways and he had missed his best friend terribly. Four weeks since he and Scorpius had finally confessed their feelings for one another and Albus' life had changed again. He could manage two more weeks. After that, they'd have the rest of their lives to spend together.

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