Fire and Ice

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Albus dreamed...

He wasn't entirely aware of his surroundings as nondescript colours and shapes floated through his mind - pale skin, pink lips, grey eyes....Albus was vaguely aware that he was dreaming, but he had no desire to wake up; whatever he was doing, it felt good. Wet lips brushed against his hot skin and he felt pleasure rush through his pelvis, radiating out from his groin in a flood of sensation. The figure loomed above him, moaning, panting, slick with sweat. Albus' head began to spin as he teetered towards the edge...

Albus stirred. He lay in bed, heart hammering in his chest and breathing hard. The pleasure quickly subsided to be replaced with shock at what had just happened and who the vivid dream had involved. He glanced in the darkness towards Scorpius who mercifully was still fast asleep, snoring gently. Albus sighed and closed his eyes. That was intense.

It wasn't the first time he'd dreamt of Scorpius, but the same dream had been occurring with alarming frequency in recent months. He'd tried not to probe too deeply into what it meant - he was sure that it was merely a combination of typical sexual frustration and missing the company of his best friend. He figured that once they had reunited, the dreams would stop. But it seemed that they had only increased in their intensity.

Albus rubbed his sleep-crusted eyes. It's just a silly dream, he reasoned. He'd just been missing his friend, that was all. He glanced back at Scorpius and felt the fluttering feeling in his stomach intensify. He quickly turned away and faced the wall instead, pushing the confusing feelings deep down in an effort to suppress them. He closed his eyes and images from the dream flitted through his mind as he gradually fell back to sleep.

After a long lie and a late breakfast, Scorpius decided to take a reluctant Albus ice-skating. Albus had tried it once before at school when the Black Lake had frozen over and found that he had as much balance as a three-legged thestral. Scorpius offered to teach him the basics and Albus only agreed to it on the promise that they would go somewhere warm afterwards.

Albus clung to the side of the rink watching Scorpius gliding easily across the ice. He made it look so natural, so easy. His skates moved like fluid across the slick surface and every so often he would perform little jumps and spins.

"Albus! Albus, watch this!" he cried, drawing his arms and leg inward and began to spin like a spinning top, faster and faster until he was a blur. Just as suddenly he stopped and posed for Albus, beaming at him. Albus pursed his lips.

"Bloody show-off," he muttered, struggling to stay upright. Where Scorpius had been loose and graceful, Albus was stiff and jerky in his movements. He tried to move along the side of the rink but his feet slipped and slid wildly on the wet ice. Scorpius glided alongside him, an amused smile teasing his lips.

"Need some help?" he asked, holding out his hand. Albus gripped it tightly but was still reluctant to let go of the edge. Scorpius moved around to face Albus.

"Give me your other hand," he said gently. Albus hesitated. Scorpius moved closer, pressing their bodies together and assured him, "I promise I won't let you fall. Do you trust me?"

Albus looked uncertainly from his feet then up into Scorpius' eyes. A head taller than Albus, he easily loomed over him. Having him this close, their bodies pressed together, holding his made Albus feel light-headed. Was it normal to feel like this when your friend was close enough to kiss?

Shaking his head clear of those intrusive thoughts, Albus tentatively pried his hand from the edge of the rink and slipped it into Scorpius', entwining their fingers together. His legs were shaking, but it had little to do with the ice. Scorpius gave him a warm smile and took a step back, pulling Albus along with him.

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