Dance Partners

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"As you well know, The Yule Ball is approaching," Snape began. "A traditional part of the Triwizard Tournament is the opportunity for us to socialise with our foreign guests. The Ball will be open only to fourth-years and above, although you are permitted to invite a younger student if you wish to."

Snape slowly swept up and down the large classroom, observing his Slytherin students with a look of mild disdain. The girls looked at each other excitedly while the boys shuffled uncomfortably, avoiding the gazes of expectant suitors. Snape continued, "Dress robes will be worn, and the ball will begin at eight o' clock on Christmas Day, finishing at midnight in the Great Hall. Let me be clear – if I catch anyone from Slytherin House out of bed past that time, you will rue the day you defied me. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Professor," chorused the students in unison.

Snape grimaced as he explained, "The Yule Ball is, first and foremost, a dance."

An excited murmur spread out amongst the girls but quickly died down as Snape drew them a sharp look. He shook his head and continued, "As much as this pains me, I am required to teach you to dance. The reputation of Slytherin House is reliant on you not making fools of yourselves. For some of you that will be more difficult than others. But I shall endeavour to have you dancing to a competent level so as not to bring shame onto your House and myself. This is easily achievable so long as you listen carefully and follow my instructions. Let us begin."

He stopped by a large gramophone, tapped his wand against it sharply, and tinny ballroom music began to play. He swiftly turned on his heel to face the classroom full of students again.

"I require a volunteer for the demonstration," he said sharply. A few girls shot their hands up in the air straight away, jostling one another to be seen. Snape scanned the crowd carefully before inclining his head, "Greengrass. Come here."

The other girls lowered their hands in disappointment and glared as Daphne Greengrass strode towards the Potions Master, positively beaming. Draco snorted and rolled his eyes.

"Wouldn't get my hopes up, Greengrass," he muttered to Greg and Vince. "I think Snape would sooner go to the Ball on his own than invite her with him."

Greg frowned, "I thought you said you wanted to ask Daphne to the Ball?"

"No," he protested a little too forcefully. "Why would I want to ask her? She's positively foul."

Greg shook his head in confusion, "But you said that she was the only one worth asking because she was hot and funny—"

Draco elbowed Greg in the ribs and he fell silent. His pale cheeked were tinged pink and he hissed, "Keep your voice down, you idiot!"

"Sorry," mumbled Greg, massaging his ribs.

"Did you ask her out already?" asked Vince.

Draco huffed and crossed his arms. Vince's eyes widened, "She turned you down?"

Draco said nothing. Vince grunted, "Tough luck, mate."

"Yes well, there are plenty others to choose from," he waved his hand dismissively. "But you two better hurry up and get dates for the Ball. All the good ones will be snapped up in no time."

Greg felt his stomach twist unpleasantly at the thought. Asking a girl to the Ball? He could barely maintain eye contact with a girl, let alone speak full sentences to her and then be expected to dance with her. Vince's face was now set in a deep scowl. He looked about as keen as Greg felt at the prospect of finding a date.

"Everyone find a partner," Snape ordered. "And follow mine and Ms. Greengrass' lead."

Everybody quickly paired off while Greg and Vince lingered at the back, neither willing to approach any of the girls. Draco strode confidently towards Pansy Parkinson and held out his hand, "Parkinson. Partner with me."

Pansy Parkinson smirked, "Only if you ask me properly, Draco."

Draco frowned a little then asked stiffly, "Parkinson, will you partner with me?" then added more quietly, "Please."

Pansy grinned broadly and took Draco's hand into her own and pulled him into the centre of the classroom.

"Maybe if we don't get partners we won't have to dance," said Greg hopefully.

"That's what I'm hoping," muttered Vince.

No such luck. When everyone had found partners, Vince and Greg were the only two left without dance partners. Snape looked between the two boys, "Crabbe. Goyle. Partner with each other."

Greg and Vince gaped at their Head of House.

"Are you serious?" asked Vince indignantly. Snape's eyes narrowed and the boys shrunk under his incessant glare.

"I am always serious," he hissed. "Pair up now, or you will both have detention."

Both boys grumbled but complied with the request, turning to face one another looking uncertain.

"Here, you be the girl," said Vince roughly, his neck flushing red. Greg scowled.

"How come I have to be the girl?"

"Because you're shorter than me," he reasoned.

Greg pulled a face, "What's that got to do with anything?"

Vince growled, "Girls are smaller than boys. You're smaller than me, so you're the girl."

Greg muttered under his breath in annoyance, unable to think of a suitable counterargument. "Fine," he grumbled, taking Vince's hand roughly into his own. "But next time I'm the guy."

"No way," Vince protested.

Greg opened his mouth to argue but Snape began to dictate the dance moves to the class, holding a very flushed-looking Daphne close as he explained and demonstrated each movement in turn. There was a lot of shuffling of feet and the occasional yelp as toes were trodden on, each student trying to follow Snape's instruction and avoid tripping over their own feet. Greg and Vince tried to mimic the other's dance moves, but to little success, their knees knocking together several times and their bodies bumping against each other as they struggled to keep pace with everyone else. Every time a part of their body touched, Vince would grunt and squeeze Greg's hand tightly, so much so that it hurt. Greg glared at him, but Vince avoided his gaze, staring fixedly at his own feet.

"Stop trying to crush my hand," complained Greg, squeezing back with just as much force.

"I'm not," muttered Vince, the red flush on his neck spreading to his cheeks. "I've just got a firm grip. You can't handle it because you're the girl."

"Am not!" hissed Greg pushing his face closer to Vince's. Vince's eyes widened and he pushed Greg away from him. Greg stumbled back a little, gaping back at Vince in shock. What was that about? Anger and confusion rising up in him, he pushed Vince back with even greater force, then immediately regretted it as he watched his friend trip over his feet and crash into the back of Draco and Pansy. He only managed to stop himself from toppling over entirely by grabbing hold of the back of Draco's robes.

"Oi, watch it!" Draco shouted as the neck of his robes strangled him. Vince straightened himself up and snarled at Greg before lunging for him. The next moment they were pulling and shoving one another as the other students jeered and shouted words of encouragement, keen to see the fight escalate. They were rolling about the floor before they felt themselves be pulled apart by an invisible force, each of them cast to opposite sides of the classroom and landing in a heap on the ground. Snape stood in the middle of the classroom eyeing them both with disappointment.

"Detention," he declared.

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