The Ball

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"Is that...?"

"It can't be."

"With Krum?"

Everyone gasped as Hermione Granger swept onto the dance floor with Viktor Krum on her arm, looking resplendent in robes of periwinkle blue, smiling serenely. Draco gaped at her open- mouthed, unable to conjure any of his usual retorts or insults at the girl. Pansy scowled and elbowed him hard in the ribs.

"Close your mouth you idiot!" she hissed. "You look like a buffoon!"

Draco quickly shut his mouth but his eyes still followed Hermione everywhere she moved across the dance floor. Greg, however, took no notice. He stood with Vince at the back of the expectant crowd, deep in conversation about their favourite Quidditch teams' infamous rivalry.

"Gregory Cotton is going to kick your arse this season," promised Vince. "The Wasps have no chance with him on the team."

"Bullshit," laughed Greg. "Granted, Cotton's good. But the rest of the team is a shambles. This is the Arrows' year, I'm telling you."

"I'll be impressed if they manage to beat the Cannons," teased Vince. Greg punched his arm.

"You take that back!"

"Make me!" grinned Vince and the two proceeded to scuffle and laugh in silence, although nobody took notice as all eyes were upon the Triwizard Champions dancing in the centre of the Great Hall.

"Get a room you two," drawled Draco and Pansy sniggered. Greg and Vince quickly stepped away from each other, blushing. Draco sighed, "This isn't much of a party now, is it? Not like the ones my father hosts at the Manor. They're much more impressive than this quaint gathering."

"What we need to do is spice things up a bit," winked Pansy. Draco smirked.

"What we need is a proper drink to liven things up a bit, wouldn't you agree?" he gave a mischievous grin and pulled a small silver hip flask from the inside of his robes, "Firewhisky anyone?"

"I'll be taking that, thank Mr. Malfoy," came a silky voice. Draco winced as Professor Snape appeared over his shoulder and snatched the flask from his grasp. He gave Draco a bemused look, "Any more shenanigans like this and I will be forced to deduct House points. Carry on."

Snape tucked the flask into his robes and swept across the dance floor towards Professor Dumbledore. Pansy patted Draco's arm sympathetically, "Tough luck, Draco."

Draco smirked and shook his head, "Not to worry, I knew he'd be on the look-out for alcohol, thought it was better to humour him. Thankfully that one was a decoy."

He pulled a second, identical hip flask from his robes and proceeded to top up their goblets with a dram of Firewhisky. The rest of the evening went better than Greg could have hoped – the food was great, he didn't have to worry about showcasing his terrible dancing because neither he nor Vince liked to dance anyway, instead spending the evening chatting and laughing amongst themselves and with Draco. Even Pansy was being more amicable, although that may have just been the effects of the Firewhisky. Then when the Weird Sisters entered the stage, everyone screamed and rushed forward. Vince instinctively grabbed Greg by the hand and dragged him to his feet.

"Come on, we've got to see this!" he yelled, grinning broadly. Greg smiled back sheepishly, weaving through the throngs of students to get as close to the stage as possible, never wanting to relinquish his hold on Vince's hand. When they got as close to the stage as they could, they spent the rest of the evening singing, jumping and laughing together, Greg all too aware each time Vince's arm or waist brushed against his own.

When the Ball came to a close, naturally everyone disregarded the midnight curfew and dispersed amongst the castle's many secret corridors, hosted parties in the common rooms and disappeared into the castle grounds with their partners and friends to continue their evening. Greg and Vince had a few more drinks at the after- party in the Slytherin common room, and when Vince said he was getting tired, Greg followed him upstairs to the boy's dormitory.

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