Fish out of Water (Edward Kenway x Mermaid! Reader

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Edward was in a fight for his life, as usual. His ship was riddled with holes and his crew had been captured or killed. Edward saw the blast before he felt it. The cannon ball blasted him into the water and as the salt stung his eyes, he watched his precious Jackdaw blasted into smithereens. As the wreckage floated down, Edward was pulled with it. The bubbles of oxygen floated from his mouth in a flurry. His eyes clouded over as the loss of oxygen and the last thing he saw was a ghostly figure reaching out to him.
(Y/N) was swimming in the warm Caribbean waters when she saw two ships shooting at each other. She wasn't like most mermaids. Some liked to eat men and others were the classic mermaids that people thought of. Beautiful maidens if the sea that wouldn't be able to hurt a plankton. (Y/N) wasn't either one of these mermaids. She wanted more than anything to explore and associate with as many people as she could. She watched as men were blasted in the water, lifeless. She did what she could to give them "burials" with the sand. She used her tail and her hands to make a hole and let the ocean waves push sand back over them. She heard a loud boom and she watched as the smaller ships sunk below the waves. One more figure landed near her and she was entranced. This one had bright blond hair and his clothing was that of...THE ASSASSINS?! She swam rapidly to the fallen man and she recognized the robes to belong to a rude man named Duncan. She was a recruit to the assassins. Not many knew about the existence of mermaids but the few who did know that the mermaids are on their side. (Y/N) had the Assassin's insignia tattooed at the base of her (f/c) tail. She grasped the man and swiftly pulled him to the surface. He sputtered he coughed loudly as she pulled him atop the waves. There was a secluded cave a few hundred meters away and she knew exactly how to get there.
Edward woke up in a dark space. Bioluminescent plants and fungi surrounded him. A small bottle of rum sat wedged in the sand next to him and he gratefully took a swig. His head was pounding and his arm didn't feel too great either. He sat up and heard a small splash in the moon pool next to him. He realized that this cave was within a large outcrop of rock and a small pool of water connected this cave to the rest of the ocean. He saw a fish swimming in the pool and he quickly stabbed it with his hidden blade.

He soon got a fire going with some drift wood he found within the cave. Apparently pirates like him had been hiding loot in here. After he stuffed his pockets full of gold, he focused on coloring. He cooked the fish evenly and just when he was about to bite into it, he saw it.

By the Gods it was the most beautiful creature he had ever seen. It's body was smooth and soft and it's tail was strong and scaly looking. This couldn't be a mermaid could it? It's head poked above the lip of the pool and Edward was met with bright (e/c) eyes. He bent down to all fours and crawled to the woman. He could tell it was a woman based off of the basic shape of her body and well....her breasts. Edward was in awe of this creature and got close enough to touch her.
"Do you talk?" He asked shyly. The girl smiled and revealed sharp, pointy teeth. Like a shark or a dolphin.
"I can speak many languages. You speak English yes?" She asked in a voice that flowed like the sea. Edward nodded in awe. This creature was magnificent.

Edward and (Y/N) spoke for hours, they introduced themselves and spoke about their different cultures. Edward spoke of the Assassins and was happy to learn that this mermaid was part of them. She showed him her tattoo and he showed her his. Her fingers felt soft against his bare flesh and he couldn't help but shiver at her touch.

"Now tell me, is it true that your human women wear cloth that pulls their chests so tight that they can't breathe?" She asked. Edward laughed and nodded.
"Aye. They do. I find it silly but other men love it. Is it true that mermaids lure sailors to the depths with their voices and eat them?" He asked. (Y/N) nodded and showed her teeth again.
"Some do. Others don't really watch anything but kelp and sea weed. I don't do either. I eat fish and squid and sometimes jellyfish. My family comes from the large Atlantic Ocean but I was born here. In the Caribbean. Right off of the shore of Nassau I believe." She explained. Edward and (Y/N) continued their conversation long into the night. Edward was sad to leave but he had to finish his mission.

"So lassie, how do I get out of here? Seeing as I was unconscious on the way in." Edward asked. (Y/N) chuckled and held out her hand.
"I brought you here. I will help you leave. I assume you want to go to an Assassin base to meet Adéwalé and what's left of your crew." She sad happily. Edward nodded and took her hand. He waded out into the pool and was able to see her fully for the first time. Her tail made up for most of her length and it's color was a beautiful (f/c) it started as sporadic scales that started at her navel and then formed a strong limb that could fight the strongest tides. She was truly beautiful. She had a necklace on that was made of pearls and a small conch shell was the pendant in the middle. Edward took a deep breath and allowed the maiden to take his hand.
He traveled faster than he ever thought he could under water. The mermaid's tail moved just like a dolphin's did and her arms were left at her side. Other than the one that was holding his. Animals came to say hello to her but once they saw Edward they swam away. Edward wondered how she breathed under the water until he saw four small slits on her neck. He almost gasped but then remembered that he was under water. (Y/N) giggled when she saw his expression and she swam upward. Edward's head broke water and so did (Y/N)'s.
"You should have told me that you had gills!" He sputtered. She giggled and shook her head.
"You humans have so much to learn. Mermaids have special glands in their throats that can use air and water." She explained. Edward blushed and looked about him. He noticed that an Assassin base was just a few hundred meters away.
"You're very resourceful. It's no wonder that the Assassins wanted you." Edward said. (Y/N) laughed again and opened her mouth to speak.
"I was wondering if I could...follow your ship to learn more about humans and how they work. Would that be okay?" She asked shyly. Edward smiled gently and placed his hands on her bare shoulders. She was just as curious about him as he was about her. He nodded and pushed some hair away from her face.
"Of course (Y/N). I'd like to learn more about you too." Edward said softly. He was about to pull her into a hug but de suddenly shoved him away.
A large net came into the water and picked her up. Edward looked up at the colors atop the mast of the ship. A Templar flag fluttered in the wind and Edward ducked under the water as a volley of bullets pierced the water around him. He saw (Y/N) being hoisted by a net as she struggled to be free.
"SWIM EDWARD SWIM!" She screamed. A Templar shouter something in Spanish and (Y/N) was lowered into a water barrel.
"GO EDWARD. SWIM! I'll be fine!" She shouted. Edward did what he was told and started to swim as fast as he could to the shore. He wasn't going to let his friend be taken by Templars. He growled as he made his way to the shore and as he stood on the sand, sopping wet, he vowed to get her back. He watched the Templar flag sink into the distance and once it was gone, he made his way for the stronghold.
"Don't worry (Y/N), I'm going to get you back.

Authors note-I won't necessarily write a second part unless I'm asked for it.

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