Down To The Depths (Edward James Kenway x Captain! Pirate! Reader)

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AN- Based on that one scene in Pirates of the Caribbean when the ship is being apart and the guy is all calm about it. I couldn't find the clip....

I also haven't played Black Flag I may be off on a few details.

The Caribbean sun was rising when the two groups of pirates met each other. The rows of ships stood facing each other in an almost endless line. The Assassin fleet, led by the infamous Captain Edward "Blackbeard" Thatch and his lovely sister Captain (Y/n) "Ghost" Thatch. These two were a force to be reckoned and they stood in the cabin with the rest of the Captains.

Thatch was known as a master commander and leader while (Y/n) was a master strategist. She knew ships and people like nobody else. She knew how people worked and how they thought. It was also she who had befriended the great man Edward Kenway and became his closest friend. Edward even tried to persue a romantic relationship with her but she quickly turned him down before anything serious developed.

"I'm a busy woman.." She had said one night. "I've been tied down before and I hated it. I'm no housewife Edward. I'm no woman to bring children into this world. I'm a woman in love with the sea. It was my first and last love. You're a great man Edward but don't think you can tie the sea with a ring of gold and words on paper. The forever free."

Edward understood that and continued being her friend. He never did shake his attraction to her but he never did act on it. He was a gentleman in SOME departments.

Coming back to the present, there was a large map spread along the table. Pieces of junk represented ships and shores that they would have to avoid. It was a poor example but it suited the pirates just fine.

"Edward. Your ship will be our flag ship. It's small and fast so it should avoid some damage and allow us to take the sides. Thatch, you will be our main gunner. Your ship and pound them from the side while Anne, Jack and Kidd will do the other one.

"And what's your role in this plot dear sister of mine?" Thatch asked while leaning against the table. She got that look in her eye again. That look that doomed men to Davy Jones' locker. The look that gave her the name ghost. Her mind was a wonder and everybody knew it. The room felt colder as her smirk sprouted along her beautiful beautiful face.

"I...will be going in the middle. In a rowboat. With this..." She said while holding up a large device. It shone in the dark and seemed to glitter in the light that came from the windows. The device was full of spikes and black powder, a maneuverable mine.

"When I toss this into the lower decks, they will be finished."

Edward believed her. He shouldn't have.


The battle went terribly terribly wrong. There were more ships waiting inside the cloud of mist that surrounded the island they were trying to defend from the pirate rule. Edward called orders to his men as he saw a bright white ship sailing next to him. The trim was golden and the decks were a stark white, bleached from the sun and paint that the captain painted on.

"Kenway! I need you to do something for me!" (Y/n) cried while she ducked to take cover from a large volley of cannon balls that embedded themselves into the lower decks. Orders for the Surgeon to attend someone bellow distracted the captain. A large cannonball broke the mast and it crashed down over the young captain. She stood and held the wheel in place, Edward could see she was planning on ramming the attacking ship with her own.

"Lass don't! It's suicide! You'll be caught and hung!" Edward cried while ducking to avoid more cannon fire. She looked to Edward and then at her destroyed ship. Her ship...her lovely ship was torn apart. She was going to avenge it. That and her lovely crew members who suffered because of this war.

"Edward! Take my crew! Keep them safe! They deserve to see their wives and children! I'm sending them over to you! This battle is over. Edward!" She tossed a glinting necklace to him and he caught it with ease.

"Take that to Thatch! Show him and then wear it!" She cried while kicking down a plank so her friends could scamper back to the Jackdaw. Her first mate....her first mate was crying now. His name was Jack and he loved his captain. He loved her and pulled her into his chest.

"Come with us...please. We love you so much. Please love..." He whispered. She pulled away and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek.

"I love you guys too Jack. Here..." She pulled her compass from her waist and placed in in his hand. He grasped it tightly and placed it in his shirt so he wouldn't loose it.

"I will always guide you."

Jack ran down the plank and into Edward's arms as the plank dropped into the frothy sea. Edward grabbed the young man and patted his back as he cried. He understood how he felt but there was nothing he could do. Edward ordered his men to pull the ship away but keep firing. (Y/n)'s crew members were at thye back of the ship, watching as the large white ship nailed the attacking ships at the side. 

She was blocking their cannons so they could escape. They watched as her ship was blown apart and was boarded by enemies.

Edward watched as she stood on the deck of her ship, hands on the wheel and hat on her head. She turned to him and took her hat off in a salute. She bowed and then blew a kiss into the air. Edward, his crew, and her crew all grabbed it and placed it over their hearts in remembrance. 

She smiled and laughed at the wheel as she was grabbed and thrown down on her knees.

She was still laughing when the gun was placed on her forehead.

She smiled and laughed at her executioner as he snarled at her.

"You're going to burn in Hell."

"See you there."

The bang echoed and Edward watched as her body fell to the deck, a smile gracing her face and peace etched on her figure.

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