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"I was fucking attacked!"

Dore put her hand back on my chest, "Hold still...this isn't going to work unless you are completely still."

The three graces were in the room plus 1. The extra one was Massie. We had taken out the usual masseuse room and closed it down to the public. Dore had lit a bunch of candles. They had formed a rock circle around me.

"This is stupid," I said...

"What's stupid is you taking a drink from a Ferris witch doctor," Massie stated shaking her head, "What were all of you thinking?"
"Blame him mom," Micki stated.

She was the furthest away from me. She was sitting in a rocking chair filing her nails. She didn't seem even the slightest bit concerned with what what was going on.

"Blame me why?" I asked.

"I told you to get him away...not to get drunk with him," Micki stated.

She was such a uppity bitch. She was throwing me under the bus in front of her mother. What she didn't know is that I didn't give a fuck about impressing her mother. Her mother reminded me way too much of my own mother and that was something I wanted to avoid.

"I was trying to get him away," I stated.

"It didn't work," Shi Shi stated, "I had them check the the records today...he's booked an extended stay room on the third floor."

I almost jumped out of my skin, "WHAT!"

I hadn't scared Orion Ferris off. I not only had not scared him off but he had actually checked into one of the extended stay rooms that we had here. This guy was playing hardcore. He had just fucking poisoned me and now he was staying at my hotel.
"Stop moving," Dore said, "I need more incense."
Shi Shi walked around me with her burning incense. She tapped the stuff all over in my face. I could feel it filling up my lungs. It felt disgusting. I had been throwing up hours now and passing up. Finally I had to go to Massie for help. Almost immediately she told the three Graces. This led me here to this embarrassment moment where I was begging for their help.

I felt like the biggest failure.

"What are you guys doing to me?" I asked.

"Cleansing you with a cleansing spell. You were given a powerful potion," Dore stated.

"He was trying to kill him like he did you the other Exodus," Massie stated.

Micki shook her head, "Mom stop being dramatic..."

I started to panick at what Massie was saying. I knew Massie had a flair for being dramatic at times but hell this did make sense. "He was trying to kill me?"

"No," Dore stated, "This isn't no where near as serious. From what I can tell it was a temporary thing."
"Why the fuck would he poison me temporarily."

"A warning..."

The last word had come from Micki. She had finally got up off her chair and moved over to where I was on the floor.

"He's trying to show you that he knows a thing or two as well. Come on girls form a circle. Let's get this over with."
"What are you doing?"

"Relax..." Dore said.

I couldn't relax but I stayed still. I watched as Dore, Micki and Shi Shi surrounded me kneeling at my head and my two sides. When they encircled me and the stones they started chanting. I had no idea what they were chanting. They were doing it so low.

It was fucking weird and creepy actually to see them all chanting like this. Massie just watched from in back of them. She wasn't really saying much.

Witch Doctor #1 MxM (Staten Krown)Where stories live. Discover now