1 - First day of School

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Dedicated to: happykap

Because she is an amazing friend, writer and editor!!! Go follow her and read her!!!


Photo is of Skye.


 “How was your first day honey?” My mother asked as I got into the car after my first day at my new school at my new home in the city.

“It was good.” I lied, putting the fake smile I had mastered over the past three days.

My name is Skye Alexandrea, I am 15 years old turning 16 in two months and I am in year 10. I love horses and goats. At my old home, I had a goat named Betty, she is as white as a goat can be, three chickens named Sparkles, who is white, Sunny, who is yellowy-brown, and Viper, who is jet-black. I also have a rooster named Phoenix, he has very wild and fiery in both appearance and personality, and a horse, well, pony, named Pluto who is grey with different colour grey spots.

As we stopped at the traffic lights, mum’s phone started ringing Happy, by Pharrell Williams. Over the past three days that I have been living here, I have heard it enough for two lifetimes!

Glancing at the flashing screen mum said, “Sorry honey, it’s a work call, I need to answer it.” And she pressed the receive button on the cars Bluetooth device before I could even think about responding.

As she started talking, I let out a sigh of relief and pulled out my notebook from my bag. My mother is a nice person, it is her high-pitched voice can get really annoying, really fast. And now I can just zone out and not have to think about responding.

I miss my old home in the country with my dad. I only just moved to the city three days ago to live with my mum and I am already starting school. Mum is always on the phone so I can only get short calls in to talk with dad and my best friend from my old school, Jess. Though, she said that she would get me a phone today when she takes me shopping next.

I hear a horn blast in the car next to us making me jump, though mum doesn’t even flinch. I turn to see which car it was just out of curiosity and behind the silver mini that made all the racket, is my new schools welcome sign. I’m so glad that we are leaving it rather than arriving.

The sign also reminded me about today. It was, well, rather boring I could say, I have done everything that we did today at least a year ago. In maths, we were doing perimeter of circles, like common! I did that in year eight not year ten!!! At the end of the class I went to the teacher, Mr. Bigs, and told him that I had done the work already in year eight and he told me what we are doing this year in maths.

“This term we will be learning about perimeter and area of shapes.” Mr. Bigs told me, “Then next term, we are doing positive and negative fractions, decimals and percentages. Third term we are going to be doing order, patterns and revision on some terms in mathematics. And in the last term we are learning about all the different types of graphs and how to draw them.”

"Oh." Was all I could muster in return.

Mr. Bigs must have noticed my face fall because he asked what was wrong.

I could feel the heat rushing to my face as I replied quietly, “I have already done all of that.”

“Would you like to take a test so you can move up a year in maths?” He said slowly like he was thinking up what he was offering on the spot.

“It has never in the history of me working here, been done before but that doesn’t mean it can’t be done. It just has to be approved of the principle first, and he can be a hard nut to crack sometimes.” He chuckled.

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