Chatper 2

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     "Oh my god! I'm so sorry." I dropped to the floor to pick up everything I just made the girl I rammed into drop. "I'm so clumsy sometimes I swear. Please, let me help you . . ." I looked up at the shapely legs of Laurel Lance.  My glasses, at that particular moment, decided to slip slowly down my nose and I was forced to push them back into place as I looked up at her.

          Laurel Lance wore a three piece work suit that hugged her like a sailor coming home after a long tour away. It was snug in all the right places and her button down blouse was just the right shade of Grey to bring out the prettiness of her eyes. I see why Oliver loves her so much. I sighed. Standing, I handed her the papers that fell.

          I shook my head.  "I'm Felicity. I just work downstairs. And I was up here because Mr.-"

     "Felicity-" Oliver said and placed his hand on my lower back. Heat in my spine flared up like lava from a volcano. "-is helping me prepare for a presentation." Laurel just gave him this look and walked away. "Don't mind her. It's nothing against you, she's just . . . Upset about me - anyway, what are you here?"

     Indignantly, I squared my shoulders. "I was called up here."

     His blue eyes pierced right through me. "Have you found anything?"

     At first I thought he meant about what I was asked to look up. Not for him, of course. But about the ship he and his father were on. I shook my head. Oliver drew his eyebrows together.

     "I'll see you tomorrow, Ms. Smoak." He said before disappearing into an elevator with his personal body guard.

       * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

          The next day,  as promised, Oliver showed up in my office. I handed over everything I found. "Your friend sure likes his privacy."

     "Why's that?"

     "There were a ton of encryptions and files that he tried to delete."


     I nodded, looking up at him. "You cannot really fully delete anything off of a computer unless you wipe the memory. Which I did, or course, before tossing the remnants of the laptop into the dumpster."

     Eyebrows shooting up he opened his mouth to say something. "Don't worry. I mean, I didn't snoop or anything. Whatever was on the computer is on that flash drive."

     Warmly he smiled at me. "Thank you, Ms. Smoak." He turned and left.

     "Felicity." I said to myself. Or so I thought.
     "What?" Oliver's head peeked back into my office.

     "Call me Felicity. I mean, it is my name. Smoak is also my name but, just, Felicity."

          With a weird look tossed in my direction he left. I blew my hair out of my face as I leaned back in my chair. God, I needed to learn to shut up.

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