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"Baby, I know you can feel it pulse, deep in my waterfall"

After almost a week since the job interview. During the interview I think I did well I hope it was enough to win Yoongi over. I was beginning to worry since it was over a week now and I didn't hear anything back. After 2 weeks I finally got an email from Mr. Min Yoongi himself.

"Hello Jamie, You are getting this email you have been hired for the position of being my assistant. If you are available today could you possibly come down to the building. And if you can't make it feel free to call me  +1-(212)-450-1470. I hope you are able to make it, if you can't call me so we can reschedule. I hope you have a great day.


Min Yoongi

"Shit" I yelled jumping off the bed, it was time for me to get ready before I ended up being late.

I jumped out of the shower, did my makeup & hair got dressed, called my Uber and left out of my apartment.

As I looked out the windows into the city watching people rush to work, it kinda made me excited to think that I was going to be working for one of the biggest companies in New York. It was like finally one of my dreams were coming true.

We slowly approached the tall building that looked familiar. I payed the cab driver and hoped out of the car. I walking through those doors again made my anxiety do backflips, I've never been this nervous in my life.

I made it up to the lobby and I told the lady that I had an appointment with Yoongi and she let me pass and gave me a small smile. Walking into the elevator with each beep of of the elevator going up the more my heart started to beat out of chest. Finally the elevator stopped and I got off. As I walked through the hallway my heels click on the marble floors.

Finally I made it in front of Mr. Min's door and I knocked twice, until I heard a "come in" in his deep raspy voice from behind the door.

I opened the door and walked in to see Mr. Min looking at his computer screen. I cleared my throat and said loudy said "Good After rnoon Sir". He looked me up and down and gave me a disgusted look.

"Hello Ms. Rosé I'm glad to see that you made it in today" and with that he went back to looking at his computer.

I walked up to the chair in front of his desk and took a seat. There was a moment of silence until he looked up and started talking again.

"Mr. Rosé you look really good today I like the color scheme, anyways back to the important stuff". "The reason you are here is because you got the position as my assistant so before starting I wanted to show you around the office and tell you some of the rules and all the basics". I nodded my head

So first he stood up and guided me over to a all white desk and chair it was a beautiful layout in the corner of the office.

"So I set up an something over there it's basically a mini office so you can have your privacy and you can also decorate it however you want"

I looked at him in awe "Mr.Min thank you so much for all of this, I am really honored that I even got this position. I just want to thank you for all of this."

He nodded his head and smiled at me, he flashed his cute gummy smile, at this point my heart was melting.

He looked at me for a moment and then began talking again. "So let's move on, the things you need to know about being my assistant. First things first never call me Mr. Min just call me sir or boss, it's self explanatory. Second, always have your work done when it's due, if you finish it early you get to leave early unless I say so. Third don't get on my bad side or annoy me because you will regret it. Fourth, make sure my coffee is always black with no sugar or cream. And last of all please be quiet and try not to make a lot of noise I like peace".

"Is that it?" I asked giving him a questioning look.

"Yup, thats it" he said giving me an assuring smile. "Oh yeah and you start tomorrow so bring your supplies and decorations and don't worry it's not a full day it's gonna be  a training day so don't get nervous or anything."

I nodded and smiled at him, "So can I leave now?" I questioned looking him in his eyes. He laughed throwing his head back "We haven't even starting working together and you are already tired of me." He sighed

"I'm just joking I'm not tired of you, I just wanna go home" I looked at him and started giggling. "Fine you can go home". With that I stood up out of my chair, yoongi looked so startled and surprised "I didn't know you would leave that fast".

"Well I'm hungry and Netflix is currently calling my name so I have to go." He looked at me and rolled his eyes "Have fun with your Netflix, I'll see you tomorrow" he waved his hand and started typing on his computer. "See you later boss I said out in a low voice." He looked up for his computer and smiled "I see you have already completed 2 out of the 5 rules and it's not even the first day yet, I'm surprised."

I giggled and turned around to face him and waved "Have a good evening boss." 

"You too Jamie" my name rolled off his tongue so perfect.

I then turned around closed the door and made my way to the elevator. When I got off the elevator I reached the lobby and from the lobby, I went out the main front door. I walked down the street and put my hand out so I could get a taxi, once I finally got into one i told him my address and we made it back to my place. Today was on exhausting day I can't wait to get in a bubble bath and take a long nap.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2018 ⏰

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