Chapter 6

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Third POV

"What do you mean you guys haven't had sex yet?! You've been together for like three weeks!"

His cheeks tinting a red hue he looked away sheepishly, not really wanting to let his sister know why. The lord just shrugged.

'"I guess we've been busy with the whole engagement canceling, which is probably going to happen again very soon."

The female tilted her head in confusion.

"What do you mean it's going to happen again?"

Closing his eyes, only just now noticing his patch was gone, Ciel gritted his teeth in anger.

"I'm not letting that Harlet have MY man! Whether she likes it or not he's mine!"

Finally letting his anger show with the situation he barked his words not caring who heard.

"Someone's possessive."

It only came out as a mumble but the earl could hear her fine.

"I am, do you have a problem with that?"

Shaking her head no she let out a sigh.

"Who'd top?"

Sebastian head shot up to look at his twin.

"Sister! Don't ask questions that don't concern you!"

She and Ciel smirked evilly at his response knowing the answer from how flustered he became.

"I would be top of course. I'm the master in this relationship, aren't I."

Leaning down right next the others ear he added something to his sentence.


Purring his name right next to said man's ear made him shudder in excitement as well as embarrassment.

"Don't say things like that, your making me hard."

Her face turned beat red at the act that they shamelessly played. But the moment was ruined by a loud bang.

"Knock, knock~!"

A lady with short curly dirty blonde hair that rested on her shoulders strolled in, exclaiming her words in a sing song voice. By now the lord was pinning Sebastian down on the bed, their lips just about to touch. However the unknown twin shivered with disgust at the new arrival. Groaning they all rolled their eyes.

"Oh, it's the harlot."

The three people all said that statement in sink. However it fitted the new unknown person like her slutty cloths she barely had covering her. Gasping the blond stomped over to Ciel and pulled him away from Sebastian.

"Don't touch my fiancé! And I'm not a prostitute I just like this clothing stile."

Sighing the three sarcastically nodded yes, not really agreeing with her. Getting up they walked towards her, Sebastian being the one to speak force.

"You're right, Sophia. Your not a prostitute, your a bitch. Anyway what are you doing here."

Crossing her arms she pouted, not liking what he had said to her.

"I came to collect you three, your dad wants to speak to you two, he said the brat could come if he wants."

Hearing her say his the word father the older twin gritted his teeth in anger. The younger though did the opposite, her face seemed to shine so bright it rivaled the sun. Grabbing her brother's and the former humans wrist she dragged them to the door. However she stopped, remembering the room was cursed.

"Did father tell you how we brake the curse by any chance, bitch."

Squealing the girl pulled Sebastian towards her.

"He said the act of true love will brake it, so that means me and Sebastian have to kiss or you can't leave."

Sighing the masters servant grabbed the joyful girl's wrist and squeezed it till she whimpered.

"Rule 23: If someone touches royalty without consent they shall receive punishment. How many times do I have to tell you this before it's stuck in your petite head?"

Letting go he walked over to his beloved and pulled him closer. Getting the gesture, Ciel pressed his lips to the others. Doing this made the blonde bitch seethe with anger. The mystery twin tried to walk through the door, only to hit a invisible wall.


Pointing at the bimbo she glared.

"What did he actually say?!"

Still annoyed the girl huffed and turned her head away, refusing to answer. Sighing the ravenette calmed down, looking towards her brother and his lover she froze.

"Now is not the time to be making out!"

She snapped at the kissing couple, pulling away they glared at her.

"This is my PRIVATE room, it's not my fault your stuck in here."

Whining from the loss of contact the earl dragged his uke to the wall and pinned him against it, continuing to kiss.

"Do it later we have to go, you should know how father feels about late people."

Flipping her of he ignored her empty threat, not really caring about how their father would react. As if on cue they heard the clicking of thongs walking towards them. Dramatically groaning the earl and butler pulled away fully, their position staying the same though.

"What is taking you guys so long."

Not being able to walk through the door, the demon king observed the frozen people. His son was pinned to the wall, a knee between his thighs while they looked at him annoyed. The daughter was pointing at the blonde still while said blonde sat on the bed pouting.

"I take back that, I don't want to know."

With the wave of a hand he walked into the room, immediately attack by two things. His eldest daughter hugging him and three deadly glares.

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