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Sometimes I renounce my blackness.

My skin will always be darker than the other girls.

"Can I touch your hair?" I hear.

"Why do you act white?" They ask.

My lips will always be fuller than the other girls.

When I stand my ground, I am then seen as 'loud' while Latinas are considered crazy and sexy.

When I decide to wear big hoop earrings, it's considered 'ghetto' but when white girls do it, it's considered 'trendy.'

Sometimes I renounce my blackness.

"Sorry, I don't like black girls."

"You're pretty for a black girl."

People look at me different when I act like me. But want to call me a 'snowflake' when I decide to call them out on cultural appropriation when they take what belongs to me.

There is no such thing as 'acting white'. I am me, and they can't take that from me. Yes my hair is kinky, but that only adds to my character. Maybe I am beautiful? Who knows. Yes my lips are bigger, but that just means more gloss. Yes my skin is darker, that only means I will glow brighter. But telling me that I'm 'pretty for a black girl' is not a compliment, and I refuse to stand by in silence. And no you can't  have a "nigga pass."

Sometimes I renounce my blackness.

I get unnecessary hate, and backlash. Faced towards constant racism.

But other times I embrace my blackness. Because people wish they could be like me. They wish they could have me. And I will always be true to myself.

Black and beautiful are the words to stand by, through all the hard times.

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