Continued (Final Part)

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Author's Note: 

This is the part that hasn't been released on Pinterest, or anywhere else. This is the part that has been developed by me on a Google doc. 




"And you are awful at hiding things from me, love."

The dagger flew out of her hand in a heartbeat, landing in the king's.

"I'm surprised it took you this long to pull a weapon on me," He continued. "All the moments we had... It would have been so easy to slit my throat, be done with it."

"You are not the person I traveled with, befriended." She was fighting back tears now. "You are the demon, the monster that kills for fun and tortures the souls out of criminals. You are the murderer that took Sam's life, took Isla's."

"I am your king." The smile that he had worn before faded away. What remained was the demeanor of a king, and a ruthless one at that. "You should be lucky that you're still here, in the dungeons, and not hanging from the gallows."

He waved a hand, and something grabbed her wrists from behind, binding them together. Something softer weaved itself around her eyes, blocking everything from sight. The bars that kept her in the prison melted away.

"Follow me," The king said.

She found herself obeying, walking behind him. She felt guards on either side of her, guiding her after the king.

When the cloth had been lifted from her eyes, she saw that the king had placed her in another cell - though the new one was no doubt nicer, more furnished than the dungeon cell.

The chains melted away in an instant. She tightened up, arms hanging at either side of her body. He was right behind her.

"You will not hurt me," His voice was different than before, softer. She listened - though she had no idea why - and any and all thoughts of hurting him, killing him, disappeared from her mind.

"I will not hurt you," She repeated, dazed and tired.

He grabbed her hand, spinning her to face him.

They were awfully close now, just an inch or so apart. She started to cry. Little soft tears ran down her cheeks. She missed her companion, her lover, the person that the king had pretended to be, but never truly was.

"Don't cry," The king whispered. "Tell me what's wrong."

"It's... It's you." She forced out. "You tricked me, lied to me," Looking up, she saw the king's strange red eyes. They were demonic, sure, but not freaky. They were inquisitive, looking a person up and down, finding out every secret they have before they open their mouth.

"You made me love you." She closed her eyes. She wanted to stand with him, pretending that he was her friend again. 

"Is that all?" 

She opened her eyes. Things were still blurry from crying. If she squinted hard enough, she could almost see... 


That man was gone now. He never existed in the first place. 

But those eyes... They were his - not the king's - but his .  And then they weren't. 

The demon king can get inside your mind, do anything to you. 

Her own words bit back. That's what he was doing. Changing her thoughts, making her see the one she loved. 

"Let go of me," She grunted, suddenly much more focused. 

"Remarkable," The king whispered, stepping back. "Utterly remarkable." He was clapping softly. 

"What?" She questioned. "What is it this time?" 

He smiled. "It's you." For a moment, she thought he sounded genuine. "Only someone with a great magical talent could have realized what I was doing." 

"So you admit it!" 

"That's not... that's not the point." Good. He was getting flustered; his guard was down. 

"Then what would your point be?" 

"You..." He began, obviously . "You're the point, love. I couldn't sense it before, but I know now. I can feel the power inside of you." He stepped closer again, holding her hands in his. "I can help you, train you to use your powers." He stifled something. Maybe a laugh, weeping, she didn't know. "They will eat you up from the inside if you aren't trained. I've seen it happen before." 

"Magic? I don't - I'm not..." 

She thought back to all those times, at home, when Papa was out in the fields. As a child, she was mesmerized by the daises that somehow seemed to float in midair... 

It was suddenly eerily quiet. 

"I can help you," He whispered. "Stay here, with me." More silence. "Power, if untrained, can kill you." 

She understood why she made her decision. Even if she couldn't tell anyone, she put a lot of value on her life. Even though the journey to the demon king's castle had made her risk her life many times, she always treasured the thing that kept everyone running, going. 

He had told her about what happened to those with untamed magical talent. The ones that went crazy, burned down towns, destroyed forests, heard voices of the dead that were never there. 

Of course, she felt more at-home when she was alone. Sometimes it was reading, other times it was just letting her power run free before her eyes - something she still couldn't get over. 

"Madam?" There was a knock at the door. 

She set her book down and walked over to the door. "Yes?" 

"The-the king requires your services down in the throne room. He says it's awfully important." A maid was standing in the doorway, a bit distressed. 

She passed by the maid, hurriedly making her way down through the castle. He usually didn't take kindly to her being late. 

"Sire?" She questioned, walking through one of the many doorways that lead to the throne room. 

He was waiting for her, as always. 

"You would think, after all of these lessons, you wouldn't think of me as a king anymore." He wasn't on his throne, as he'd been so many times before. This time, he was studying something -whatever interesting thing that it was - out of a window. 

"The titles make you sound more interesting," She shrugged. "So," She walked around lazily, drinking in the sunlight of the room. "What're we learning today?" 

"Well," He reached out an arm, pulling her towards him with his power. "I thought we'd do something a little different today." 

She smiled, looping her hands around his neck. 

Same as always. 

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