Chapter 6

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       He pulled me inside the cafeteria revealing a huge stage and right under it was a P.E coach looking at what I assume to be a list of names. I saw two other girls that wanted to tryout. My heart was beating out of my chest. One thing I hate is any kind of presentation in front of people. I looked up at Demilio, he just smiled which made me feel even more nervous. A very attractive guy is about to see me fuck up.

     "First we have Violet?" She said making a weird expression. I looked up at Demilio, took a deep breath and went on the stage.

     "Oh no honey, you try out down here." She said pointing at the floor. I could feel my cheeks burning.

     "Oh yeah, duh." I said getting down.

    "What do you have today?" She said adjusting her glasses. She was a tall woman, kinda old with blonde short hair.

     "I have a dance... obviously." I said typing in a song in the speaker and went into the middle of the cafeteria. I turned around and saw Demilio and the other girls looking at me. Take a deep breath Violet. Everything will be okay.

       I'm glad I went to dance camp last summer and learned this dance or I would be dead. Then the music started ...

(this is the dance she did)

     I could barley take in any air by the end of dance. My lungs were actually hurting. I turned around and saw Demilio with his jaw dropped, so was the other girls. Um okay...

      "Okay I'll call you and let you know soon." She said and started writing on a clip board. Or maybe I wasn't that good... We walked outside and got in his car.

      "What was that?" He said turning toward me.

      "Was it bad?" I said.

      "No it was fucking amazing." He said.

      "I was alright." I said blushing.

      "No Violet, I'm serious, you're so..."He said.

      "I'm so what?"

     "I wish I'd met your earlier." He said looking into my eyes. My heart melted.

    All I could do is look into his eyes and admire them. Their so blue and beautiful, they remind me of the sky.

     "We should get going." I said breaking the silence. I put my seat belt on and we drove...somewhere, but it was definitely not my house cause he took like three wrong turns.

    "Where are we going?" I said.

   He didn't say anything. He just smiled and kept driving until we got to a park. It was a beautiful park with a large lake. We got there just in time as the sun was setting.

  "Why are we here?" I said getting off. Then I saw him take a football out of the trunk.

  "Oh no, I am really bad at football." I said laughing.

"Just give it a try, I mean you're already good at dancing... what else are you good at." He said smirking.

    We went to the huge field that was next to a beautiful lake and he gave me the football to throw it at him first. I threw the football and it spiraled all the way to him.

   "Damn Violet, you're good at everything." He yelled out to me. I just laughed.

      It soon became dark and I was tired of playing football all day. To be honest football isn't that bad. We drove to my house and we just stayed in my car for a second.

     "I'll see you tomorrow?" He said smiling.

     "Goodnight." I said and kissed his cheek and went inside. It was a friendship kiss...

      "Violet come here please." My mom said.

      "Where were you and why didn't you answer your phone?" She looked pretty mad.

      "I was at cheer tryouts." I said walking upstairs before she stopped me.

       "You were in cheer tryouts all day?"

       "I was with a friend okay." I said and went upstairs before an answer.

       "You're grounded for the rest of the month!" She yelled. I didn't care cause it's not like I go places.

      I layed in bed and turned to the window looking out at Dylan's window wondering if he would ever talk to me again. Then I saw his light go out and I went to sleep.

Short chapter but what do you think is going on with Dylan? 🤔

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