Chapter 8

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       She kissed Dylan...

       You know that feeling you get when you love somebody and you know that they'll always love someone else and you'll always be the last choice. That's how I felt.. like the second choice. I turned around and sat down on the table. They were all awing at them. I looked down at the ground. They didn't seem to notice. I mean it's not like they actually care about me. Their all just fake cheer leading barbies. Then I look down at myself. I literally have sweats on. Obviously he's going to like Rachel. She has designer clothes everyday and wears the best quality makeup.

     Then I thought to myself, what am I doing here??  Why am I with people that are just going to bring me down. I got up and started walking to the field by myself. I turn around and see Rachel looking at me as she hugs Dylan and she just starts laughing. I pass the track and go near where the trees were at. I could feel tears streaming down my face. My heart hurt. Even though I'm kind of with Demilio my heart is still with Dylan. Ughh I need to get this feeling out of me. I wipe my tears away. Right beside me was the football team practicing. I see Demilio in the line of football players. He didn't seem to see me pass by.

    I know when I'm down Demilio will bring me up. I wanted to feel wanted. I know he can give me that. Is that bad? I do like Demilio I really do but I felt horrible. If I like Dylan I can't like Demilio. But me and Dylan aren't even a thing. We will never be. I need to stop focusing on what will never happen and start focusing on what is already happening. Stop over thinking Violet.

       I walk over to the football team where Demilio was at and I kiss him. My hands were on his face. His face was so warm and his lips were so soft. He put his hands on my back holding me closer to him. I didn't care if the whole football team was just staring at us even though it's kinda weird of me to just kiss him but anyways. Then we let go and he just looked at me confused. I just smiled and then I just walked away as if I had just accomplished something. I turn around to see the whole football team staring over at me. Some of them gave me a weird look. Then the coach blew his whistle. I'm with Demilio now so I need to start forgetting Dylan, right? The bell rang and it was time for 1st period. You know who else is in my first period... Dylan.

      I sat on my seat and turn around right as Dylan looks away. He wasn't talking to Rachel which was weird. She wasn't even in her desk. She was in the the other side of the class talking to a guy. I turn back to my desk and look up at Ms. Bling staring at me blankly. I jump a little. I turn around and see Dylan laughing. I didn't smile and he stopped laughing. Did he think we were still friends after he kissed her?

   "Today we're going to be doing a partner project. You will choose your partner. Both of you will write about a famous president" She said.

     If I have to be honest I didn't really know anybody. I just sat in my seat as everyone chose their partner. Then I get scared as someone comes behind me and sits down next to me. It was Dylan. I mean of course it is. Who else would it be. He just stares at me and smiles.

     "What." I said blankly. I had my arms crossed and was I leaned back in the chair.

    "What's up with you?"His smile disappears. Ugh I miss his smile.

     "So you and Rachel are together." I had to get it out of my system.

     "What do you?—ohhh, no." He said staring at me blankly. I'm so confused now.

      "What was that kiss in the morning?" I said.

     "SHE kissed me then I pushed her away." He said.

       "After SHE hugged you?" I said. Lies. That's all he could do.

       "Babe chilllll. I told her we couldn't be more then friends and she got pissed and now she's not talking to me." He said.

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