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I’ve never been my favourite person. I used to be awkward- I said the wrong things at the wrong times and I tried a little too hard to fit in. I was mean to people a few times because I was sick of being made fun of and I wanted to be on the other side of it. I let myself be walked all over and did some things I’m not proud of because I wanted to laugh with a group of people that would never consider me their friend.

That’s who I was for a long time, and I used to hate it. But eventually I realized that who I used to be made me who I am today. Along the way I realized all these things I did and I changed.

Now I value people, and real, true relationships. Now I don’t let myself get walked all over and I’m never mean to people because I realized how much I could hurt people with my words.

And I’m happier. Because of the person I used to be, the person that I never liked to be, I’m happier today.

And there are still things that I don’t like about myself right now, but when I look back again in ten years, im sure they’ll be things I’ve changed to make myself happier.

The things you don’t like about yourself today could become the things you love about yourself tomorrow, you just have to give yourself the time and courage to change.

Midnight ThoughtsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt