Chapter 14.

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"Where was Gus by the time you went to the bathroom?"
I asked

"Um. I have no idea. I came back and he was gone"
She said

"Exactly! He took the pictures"
I said

"How can you be so sure?"
Raven asked

"I am. Look, Gus wasnt with you almost all night, so he probably walked by me and Steve and took a few pictures. He carries the camera around anyways"
I said

"Well what are you gonna do?"
She asked

"Im gonna wait. Im gonna wait until he confesses and put a bit of pressure on him"
I said

"Look, Gus did wrong. But maybe you dont have to be so hard on him"
She said.

"Why? Why would I forgive a person who just ruined my reputation and relationship to someone"
I said

"You got a point, just dont be too hard on him. You know Gus"
Raven said.

"Clearly not.."
I mummed.

"I'll just see what happens next"
I said

I looked at my phone screen and saw Gus calling me on my and Raven's call.

"Gus is calling"
I said

"What are you gonna tell him?"
She asked

"About the pictures. He cant do this to me"
I said

"Okay. Just dont be too hard on him"
She said

I ended the call on Raven and answered Gus.

"Heyy Dani. You never called me back"
He said

"Well should I have?"
I asked

"Um. No?"
He said

"So. What are you up to?"
He asked

"Just had a call with Raven. But, can you tell me all you know about the pictures?"
I asked

"Um. All I know, is that someone took them, gave them out to the whole school. And now Kells hates you"
He said

"Wow. Thanks"
I said sounding off.

"Whats wrong?"
He asked.

I thought about telling him. Busting him right now and right here. Maybe if I do put pressure on him, he'll confess.

"Nothing. School stuff"
I said

"Alright. You have a ten morning tomorrow right?"
He asked

I said

"I'll see you by the lockers at 10 to 10"
He said

"Okay. Bye"
I said.

He said.

I shut the call down. How can he be such an asshole to his own bestfriend? Takes pictures of them cheating on someone and spreads it? Jesus

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