Ch. 3 - Joe

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Joe couldn't get the image of Jim's dead body out of his head as the police talked the band collectively. It was extremely unusual for him to blank out and stare off into space or to burst into tears randomly when the thoughts became too much for him. He was glad the others didn't have to witness what he had walked into, but at the same time, he knew Mike and Chester must've seen it happen. His friends had to witness a murder an then get abducted.

He was incredibly worried about the safety of his friends. He could tell whoever took them wasn't playing around and was serious about their intentions. He wondered if Brad and Phoenix were able to answer the cops' questions as they were finally left alone from them. He had only recounted his story, answered the questions directed at him, then fell into silence as he let the other two take over. Talking about what happened only made it all the more real and he couldn't help shivering as anxiety swept through him.

He was so concerned about Chester, Mike, and Rob. He needed to know if they were okay or at least alive. He was desperate for answers. He knew the others were as well, but after being the main witness to the tragedy, he felt extra attached to the situation. His brothers were missing and he wasn't sure what to do at this point - none of the band was. He felt sick as he thought about the situation. He desperately needed something to help him detach from what was going on.

"...Joe!" Phoenix snapped his fingers in front of Joe's face to get his attention, which he did and resulted in a confused expression. "I've been trying to talk to you and you've been completely ignoring me. Are you okay?"

"Just..." Joe's eyes started to water. "I can't stop thinking about everything. Jim's dead body... I can't... He didn't deserve-"


"I know," Phoenix said softly and pulled Joe into his arms, beginning to cry with him. "I know, man. I really do. He didn't deserve this shit and I'm so fucked up about it. He was such a great person and he did so much for us. We owed him everything for how hard he'd work for us. He was just as much our family as the others in the band. I wish I could thank him for everything, be nicer the last time I saw him, said more to him to show I appreciated him."

"Yeah," Joe hiccuped as he was now sobbing, relating to everything Phoenix had said as he really respected Jim. "Yeah and like the guys..."

"I know," Brad pipped in and joined their cry session as he thought about Rob, Chester, and Mike. Joe knew Brad was especially cut up about Rob and was probably beating himself up for leaving Rob alone in the room, but none of them knew something like this was going to happen. "I really hope they're okay."

"Me too. The cops said they'll keep us updated and that we should probably just stay at the hotel until we get all this situated," Phoenix informed the other two, who nodded in response.

"Can we room together?" Brad asked as he certainly didn't want to go back to his empty room as a reminder that his best friend had been kidnapped, which would lead him to thinking about his dead friend/manager, Jim.

"Of course, man. You know you don't even need to ask," Phoenix nodded as well did Joe.

"Guys, I don't think I can take this situation anymore. I know we typically don't drink, but can we please?" Joe pleaded with his bandmates who didn't even need to hesitate to agree to that. They could all use a drink right around now.

"Yeah, we'll order some from the room," Phoenix nodded and the trio made their way to the only room that went untouched.

They entered the elevator with heavy hearts as they thought about what had happened earlier. It was almost two in the morning, but they all knew they weren't going to be able to sleep, therefore they were all very much on board with Joe's idea to drink. He couldn't decide who was more torn up about the situation.

He knew the other two felt horrible as well, but he couldn't tell if they were as cut up about it as he was. He was the one who discovered Jim's dead body lying in a puddle of blood. He was the one who discovered Mike and Chester weren't in their rooms. He was the one who banged on Rob's door, trying to tell him what happened, only to find out he wasn't there either. He was the one who wasn't sure if Brad and Phoenix were even around anymore as he rushed to the lobby to find them. He was the one who had to explain what happened. He was the one who had to answer the most questions the cops had. He felt horrible about everything.

Not only did his heart ache for Jim and his anxiety spike for Mike, Chester, and Rob, but he was also concerned about the well-being of Brad and Phoenix. He knew how devastated Brad must be about losing Rob, considering the two are best friends and forever roomies. He must be feeling cold, empty, and alone without his other half. Joe was extremely glad the murderer(s?) didn't take Phoenix, he wasn't sure if he'd be able to handle it. He could only imagine the pain Brad must be feeling for Rob.

Although he was worried for Mike and Chester, he was glad the pair weren't separated. He wasn't sure if they'd be able to survive a moment without the other, especially if they knew the other was in danger. He knew the two would protect each other and that helped ease his troubled mind a bit, but that left Rob - their quiet, timid drummer who would never hurt anyone, even if he wanted to. He was the baby of the band, their youngest member. They'd all feel extremely responsible if anything happened to him, they already do. Joe could only hope that all his friends would return home safely.

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