Ch. 8 - Mike

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Blue came back with Rob and tied him back up to his chair as Mike and Chester watched, wanting nothing more than to ask him what happened and if he was alright. After Rob was securely strapped to the chair with a thick rope, their assailant glanced at the other two. Mike caught his stare and returned it in a deathly manner, having to stop himself from snapping at the man in case he were to hurt them for his outburst. Blue and Mike watched each other for another moment before he went up to Chester and Mike's heart started to race as Blue began untying him. 

"What are you doing?" Mike couldn't help himself from asking when it came to Chester, unable to sit back and watch, knowing Blue was going to take him like he had Rob. He stopped his focus on Chester and turned to face Mike again. 

"Having a little fun," Blue snickered, then returned to what he had been doing. He freed Chester from his bounds and snagged his wrist in a tight grip as he yanked him forward, forcing him to stand up. 

"Let him go!" Mike snapped at him, earning a hard bash to the side of his face from Blue's free hand. He winced and bowed his head, trying to recover from the harsh blow. He heard two sets of footsteps, one struggling against the other, that caused Mike to perk back up again to see Blue dragging Chester towards the door. "No! You can't take him! Let him go! Take me instead! Please leave him alone!" 

"Mike..." Rob muttered towards him, trying to make sure Blue couldn't hear him. Their abductor ignored Mike's pleas and was almost to the door with Chester. "Mike, you have to shut up... Please..." 

"You can't just take him! You can't do this! You have to let him go!" Mike had tears in his eyes as he passionately pleaded with Blue to free his best friend. 

"Mike, shut up, he'll hurt you!" Rob snapped at him since his last warning went unheard. Blue ignored the duo and left the warehouse with Chester. Mike was immediately overwhelmed with panic and couldn't help the tears that began sliding down his face. 

"Oh my god, they took him! Rob, Rob, they took him! What the fuck do we do?! We need to help him! He needs me!" Mike started to sob, terrified of what was going to happen to his best friend. "Oh, god, Rob! H-He... He-"

"I know, Mike!" Rob couldn't help getting angry. "I fucking know! I'm scared as fuck for him too, but at least we know he'll come back alive!"

"There are worse things than death! I don't want them to hurt him, I can't bare it," Mike became wrapped up in his grief. "Fuck, fuck, fuck! I promised I'd protect him! I fucking promised, Rob!"

"Yeah, I'm sure you did, but there's nothing we can fucking do!" Rob boomed, his voice louder than it had ever been. "We're fucking tied up really tightly to these stupid fucking chairs, in a warehouse that could be anywhere, with people that are murderers! Mike, we're dealing with some serious shit and we can't afford to be stupid! If we get in their way, we're all fucking dead! So if they want Chester, well they can have him as long as no one dies! I'd rather one of you be hurt than fucking dead, so just shut the fuck up and sit there until this whole mess blows over!" 

Mike really wanted to argue with him, get angry at him, but he understood where he was coming from. He forced himself to keep his mouth shut, though he wanted nothing more than to scream. He kept his head bowed and eyes glued to the floor as he tried with everything he had not to imagine what could possibly be happening to Chester. He remained in that position for what felt like forever.

After two hours, the warehouse door opened. Red and Blue entered, carrying a passed out Chester that Mike couldn't stop looking at. They tied him back to his chair, Mike and Rob unsure what to say - if anything. They let his head fall against his shoulder, his eyes glued shut. Though he wasn't conscious, he looked like he was in pain. Red and Blue admired their handy-work for a moment. 

"What did you do to him?" Mike asked softly, afraid of getting hit for speaking again, but he felt he needed to ask. The pair smiled at him coldly. 

"I guess it's your turn to find out," Red chuckled darkly and Blue went up to him, untying him. Mike stiffened in his chair, but didn't fight against them - it was better than them going after Chester twice. His wrists felt sore after the rope fell away from them and he couldn't help rubbing the tender skin before being forced to stand. Blue took him by his wrists and pulled him along, just as he had done to Chester. 

They began walking towards the warehouse door and Mike turned back to look at his friends one last time for awhile. He saw Rob's eyes were full of concern, though he knew he wouldn't say anything. Mike didn't want him to, he just wanted Rob to help him protect Chester, though he knew he cared way more for the vocalist than Rob did - maybe in more ways than he originally thought. 

He looked to Chester's unconscious form. He hoped he'd be awake by the time he returned and would talk about what had happened. Knowing Chester, however, he knew he wasn't going to open up. Mike wanted to hug him, hold him until he awoke and tell him that everything would be okay. He knew he couldn't though and was pushed outside of the warehouse and turned around to face the assailants. He hated them for whatever they did to Chester and wished he could let them know that without them beating him to a pulp. 

"This is where the real fun begins." 

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