a hopeful setback

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Looking around, I'm met with the same sight as before. The amount of people diminished, and I'm left looking at the scattered number of civilians. How can I ever find who or what it was that hit me into the water? I've been able to interact with things in this world when I want, but I've always been untouchableto everyone else. So what now could've possibly changed?

I start running around, grasping at straws on what could possibly have happened. Someone knows me. Is someone out to get me? Someone is here to save me. Before I disappear completely. Please, that must be it. Even if someone couldn't realize that I was there, just the new stimulation to my senses has flooded my entire system. I feel like there has to be something that could possibly be newly discovered for me. I start screaming, whoever knocked me in the water might be able to hear me as well. Someone around here must have noticed what they did.

"Hey!" I flail every part of my body, turning around in full circles desperately to see if anyone is reacting. "Can anyone hear me?"

Then, from the top of my lungs I let out the most piercing screech that could possibly come from my waste of lungs.

"Somebody answer! Someone out there must hear me?" The last part of my sentence cracks and comes out as a question. I pause, knowing that nothing different is happening. Everyone else is unaffected. I try to continue to stabilize the new feeling, keeping a clear head and stopping the doubt from flooding in again. "LISTEN PLEASE! Someone help me! I don't want to be alone anymore!"

I decide on a direction and start running, curving into as many people as I pass. My body passes through the fronts of the normal citizens. I run faster than most other humans are capable of. I stop my emotions, turning them off so, if I don't want to feel the form of these people, then I won't. But whoever was able to interact with me before will still do so. Right?

I run along the strip of sidewalk, stopping once I meet a corner. Nothing. Nobody flinched, nobody notices. I ran straight through all of them, knowing that no matter what I can't deny the fact that I could be going crazy. My thoughts might just be running wild at the opportunity. I'm hardly considered desperate, and only one other time have I been in a state so rabid as this. What if I'm only going the wrong way?

Turning around, I do the same thing all over again. Continuing to pass people, I re-evaluate the scene before I fell in. The lady wishing to Yato god. The five yen coin that I currently have in my grasp. The professional, normal people who didn't even stand out to me. The light wash haired boy who seemed to be rushing around before passing by me. Then I plummeted down, slipping through the water's surface.

I run through the number of people this time their backs facing me. Theoretically, the person who was able to hit me would still have continued walking in this direction. Why didn't I think of it before? I weave my way into the crowd, feeling nothing more than a slight mist as my body clears through others'.

Turning the first corner I encounter in this direction, it takes a right and I scan the rest of the street quickly. Especially from a distance, I wasn't sure that it was the same boy until after. But the light shade of hair, covered by the hood of his darkly shadowed jacket, was undeniable. I see the boy almost to the end, and my mind attaches to the thought of him. I pull myself forward, my feet hardly wanting to cooperate while my mind runs instead. I bash right into his backside, bouncing off his body and falling backward. I roll back, bumping against the ground before landing at a still. I didn't feel any pain, that sensation left me as well. Looking up at where the boy is, he seems unfazed. He continues walking. I'm unsure of whether or not it happened because I caved into hopefulness or because it's something different about him.

Realistically, why would there be? He's obviously an ordinary teenage boy. There's no reason why he would be able to touch me unlike everyone else. Whatever it is that stood out to me before seems to neutralize now. Up close, he's nothing more than a boy. A boy that I've laid all my hopes onto. Not realizing until now how lonely I have been forced to be my whole life. Maybe he can hear me though. I prop my body up, my eyes not daring to look away. Not even to even blink.

Standing on my feet, they still don't seem to want to move. I urge myself forward anyways, putting extra brain power into moving my legs. Moving slowly, and my entire body feeling heavy, I approach the boy. I skip faster to stand in front of him, walking backwards at the same pace as he is. I look into his eyes, which show no sign of recognition or sight of who I am. His eyes cut right past me, and my stomach drops, doubt instantly spreading through me starting at my chest. Dropping the coin in a pocket, I reach my hands out, and try to grip his shoulder. My fingers pass through his body as if he were made of air, and I flex my fingers, retracting my hand. This only opens more questions, but I didn't allow myself to think through them so they remain half formed, swirling in my mind.

"Can you hear me?" I whisper shout, keeping my head lowered, not even hopeful enough to watch his reaction. As a last attempt, I let everything ride on it. I clear my throat, and try as hard as I can to get through to this boy, yelling as loud as my vocal cords can muster. I picture each outline of my words hitting and passing through a wall. "Can you see me? Can you save me from the nothing?"

I reach out to touch him again, this time focusing my hands to grab his face. My fingers successfully enclose around his full cheeks. I tap on the sides of his face quickly with open palms, wanting to grab his attention. He moves a scarf around his neck up to the lower half of his face, protecting his face from my movements.

"Oh the wind is picking up," he mutters to himself. I can only guess that it's the only way he can feel me. If simple touches like that feel like wind, and he can't see me. Maybe I have to go bolder. Right now, it's all or nothing.

I stand still at the edge of a turn. I watch as he continues to walk away, slightly picking up speed. Probably rushing to get home. As soon as he's a decent distance away, I run after him. I need momentum. I need something to get through to him. I need force to get him to notice me. If he is the key, I'm using it to every door I can see. If he is the only one who could possibly hint at my existence, I want to try.

I easily catch up to him, and preparing for the fall, I try my hardest to tackle him. I make sure there is no desire in me to come in contact with him. It will be purely one sided if anything happens. And if not, I will gladly give up and accept my defeat. I hold my arms out, where they should meet around his waist. I slip through him, and crash on the ground before him. I duck, pushing the contact off to be a somersault. Turning around, I see him recover from a stumble. Something. Hardly anything considering the effort I put into my part, but I'm not allowing myself to be picky.

Studying him, I walk beside him. I calm my voice, knowing that it didn't work before so it won't be different. But something is. I can't help to wonder what it is. I need to know where I can find him again. If he's my only lead in stopping the horrible, invisible hell from enveloping me entirely, I will follow. Walking to a secluded area, I see a building emerge from the trees. Getting closer, it's designed to be a house but still seemingly formal looking. It seems cozy enough, and could easily be a home. Stepping up the front steps, my legs go numb. I fall down, crashing silently against the wood. I look up, and on the side of the top step is a very tiny crafted shrine. Not big enough to fit a person, not even big enough to fit a mouse. But it's sitting here on display. A name is etched into the front, much like mine is.

Drifting through my existence, I never took notice to names. There was no interest for me, because names are for the sole purpose of interaction. I resented names actually, they only instill my loneliness deeper into my being. So much so, that the only name my mind recognizes is my own. But looking at the small shrine in front of my eyes, I read the symbols to reveal the only other name I've heard in my entire life. A name I've only been introduced to today. Yato.

unmemorable // noragami yato x readerWhere stories live. Discover now