Chapter 13

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I sat on the chair outside of the operating room with my face buried in my hands. Andre went out to call and inform Sofie’s friends and relatives about the accident so that they would be able to visit her as well. I can’t believe that such a thing could happen to a person like Sofie. It’s one of those things that seem very impossible to happen until it actually happens. To make matters worse, I may actually be the cause of her accident. Maybe if I hadn’t suggested for us to go to Francis’ house, she wouldn’t have ran off like how she did. But then again, she is Sofie, and she is very unpredictable. I could’ve stopped her and not just stand there, frozen like an idiot. Damn it, I’m so stupid.

I continued to bury my face in my hands when I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder. I raised my head up and saw a familiar face….a face that I couldn’t decipher despite of its familiarity mainly because of the tears that were blocking my clear line of sight.

“Hey there teddy bear.” It was Sofie’s mom, which explained her face’s familiarity. She looks so similar to Sofie that it freaks me out. According to Sofie, her mom calls me teddy bear because of the obvious reason of me being fat (fluffy). I weakly smiled back to her in response.

It puzzles me to see how calm and composed Sofie’s mom is, despite of her daughter currently being in a critical condition in the operating room, but then again, she is Sofie’s mom. The Go clan never freaks out….oh wait….there is always an exception to the rule, and I guess that exception is Sofie.

“Why aren’t you freaking out or crying or dramatically sliding down a wall while screaming Sofie’s name?” I asked her mom.

She chuckled and said “Well for starters, I’m not like other moms, just like Sofie isn’t like other teenagers. I know that my daughter is very strong and that her insanity will pave her way to recovery. Trust me on this, I know my daughter more than you do.” She said smiling.

I weakly smiled and said “Okay, okay. I’m going to go out for a while to get some fresh air ok?” She nodded in response and I started walking down the hallway towards the exit. When I got outside of the hospital, I took in a deep breath, and then exhaled, which helped me soothe my nerves.

After a few minutes, I suddenly remembered the text that I sent Francis earlier. I quickly took out my cellphone to check if he replied to that text.

Hmm, that’s weird, he didn’t reply. I sent him another text informing him about Sofie’s current condition and apologizing that I couldn’t make it to his house. I returned my cellphone in my pocket and continued to think. After a few minutes, I decided to call him just to make sure that he was alright. I dialed his number and placed my cellphone right next to my ear.

It rang several times before it went to his voice mail.

I decided that maybe he was busy and returned to the hospital. I sat right next to Sofie’s mom and waited.

After 2 hours, Kyla came and hugged me as soon as she saw me. She sat down next to me without asking any questions. Shortly after, the doctor came out of the operating room and I immediately sprung up from my chair.

“How is she?” I nervously asked.

“Well, I can offer you good news and bad news. The good news is that she is now in a much more stable condition. Her bleeding has stopped. The bad news is there is a chance for her to slip into a coma due to the trauma that her brain was exposed to. We wouldn’t know for sure because it would be hard for us to examine her at this critical point. I’m sorry.”

Sofie’s mom, Kyla and I nodded our heads in response. I sat back down on the chair and returned to burying my face in my hands while Kyla sympathetically patted my back. I really needed to talk to someone…actually, not just to anyone, but to Francis. Once again, I pulled out my cellphone and started dialing his number. I put my cellphone next to my ear, waiting for his soothing voice to say “Hello?”. But that hello never came. I only heard the sound of ringing. I put my cellphone back in my pocket and sighed.

Why is it that when I desperately needed him to calm me down and assure me that everything is going to be fine, he just disappears? Why doesn’t he even reply to my texts to explain his absence? Why?

With all the frustration, sadness, and loneliness mixed up in my head, I started to cry, something that I rarely did.


(A few days later)

Everyday after school, I would immediately go to the hospital to check on Sofie so that her parents could go home for a few hours and rest. Kyla and Andre visited as often as they could, and that included today. These days, there isn’t a single moment at school when I’m happy. When I’m not thinking of Sofie, I think about Francis, who continued to be absent for the following days. I became guilty for being angry and frustrated at him and at the same time I felt a deep concern about him and his whereabouts.

Andre, Kyla and I were huddled in a circle, trying to think of ways to cheer ourselves up and how we would welcome Sofie once she woke up.

“Guys I’m sad.” Kyla said.

“Yes Kyla, thank you for saying something that is clearly not seen in this room. A round of applause for her please.” I said, not being able to hide my sarcasm.

“It’s just that I’m so sad that I actually miss the pranks that she pulls on me. I miss her scary voice. I just miss her.” She said.

“Guys, we should stop moping around.”  Andre suddenly said . “”Do you guys think that that bunja witch would be glad to see us sitting around and moping?”

“Well, my dear Andre, I don’t think that she’d like for us to celebrate the fact that she’s been laying in bed, un-ninja like for the past 3 days. She’s a drama queen remember?”

“Even if she’s as active as a wilted vegetable on that bed, she still never ceases to confuse me.” Andre said, shaking his head.

“That’s Sofie, forever dedicated to confusing us without even having to move a muscle.” I said smiling.

We looked at her for a couple of minutes before I reached into my bag and said “As a remembrance of Sofie’s favorite French phrase.” I said, pulling out 3 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

“Really Faith? PB&J’s? It depresses me whenever I see or even smell one.” Andre said.

“Just eat it ok? What harm will it do to anyone? Who knows, maybe she’ll even wake up once she smells her favorite French phrase” I said while laughing.

All three of us raised our PB&J’s while saying “PEENOT BOO-TAIR AND JELLY!”

While all three of us started to eat, a miracle happened. A distinctive and scary (as Kyla said) voice softly said “Peenot boo-tair and jelly?”


Just a friendly reminder, I do not know enough about medical stuff to know if any of these are accurate. 

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