💜 Mawie no bad giwl 💜

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Marie Peterson POV

   " -how is he now?" Justice asked concerned as she held the phone against her ear. "- oh it's good. Can you give him the phone please?"
   " Aw hi Drewy! How are you?-- you're sad? Aw why is my little angel sad?--- you miss Marie? Do you wanna talk to Marie?"

Justice gave me the phone, mouthing Drew's on the line. I grab it more than happy. I missed that little goofball of mine. Mine? Well, he's not mine..yet, and he's autistic. Not that I judge him, but he's just too innocent. Well, I loved that kiss. I'm Drew's first kiss. I've kissed before, but nothing felt so good.

    " Hi mawie!!" His cute giggles rings in my ears. I coo, saying. " Hi Drewy!!"

   " Drewy miss you lots and lots mawie" he whimpered. " 'Addy no want me see mawie again" his voice cracked.

   My heart swelled at that. Why would his dad say that? Yes it was my fault he fell down the stairs.

  But I didn't mean it.

     " Please don't cry Drew. Your dad must be just angry with me." I said softly.

  " Otay" he sniffled.

  Then I heard footsteps running farther.

   " Hello? Marie?" Carly spoke a moment later.

    " Yes, where did he go?"

  " He ran into his room. I gotta go check on him. Talk to you later" she rushed. I hummed.

  " Yeah, okay" I said and hung up before giving the phone to Justice.

    " Is he crying?" Justice looked at me sadly.

    " Yeah. Ran Into his room I think."

    " What is wrong with John?! He's taking this too far" she scoffed, annoyed.

   " He's just mad I made him fall off" I sighed guiltily.

  She sat down, turning the TV on. " It's not just that, Marie. He thinks he'd start having feeling for you. He doesn't like it, he just doesn't wanna let go of Drew."

   " But why?" I asked grabbing a handful of popcorn and putting some in my mouth.

  " John doesn't know how to deal with loneliness. It was my fault, actually. I left him for another man and he lost it. It was Drew who kept him sane. Drew was the closest person to John and he doesn't see how he's growing up. He thinks Drew is still a baby. Yes he's autistic, but he has a life too. He needs some guidance but that doesn't mean he has to be left in a corner like he's not a teenager." She explained.

   " I hope John sees this. " She added.

    I hummed in agreement.


     " Only bad boys behave like this. Please stop crying and eat something babe" John begged the small boy who's sitting on the floor leaning against the bed. His legs pulled to his chest and was sobbing on them with his arms wrapped around his knees.

   " Please baby I'm so tired. I was working whole day and when I get home at 9.15 pm all I can see is a naughty boy who doesn't let his mother to feed him. Why would You want to torture me so much? Please just stop crying!" John said frustrated.

    " 'Addy no mad at mawie anymo? Mawie said Drewy can see her when 'addy's not mad at mawie anymo"

  " Did she come over?" John directed the question more to Carly.

  " No" she sighed, sitting on the bed and pulling Justin to lay his head on her lap.

   " Then how did she talk to him?!"

   " Justice called me" he scoffed.

  " Why wouldn't she leave him alone?!" He snapped.

" She's his mother, that's why. You want to stop her from calling Drew now?!"

    " She doesn't have to let that girl talk to him! Don't pick up the phone to her again."

   " You wanna lock him up in this house? Not even allowed to get a phone call from his mother?!"

   Carly rolled her eyes.

  " Marie isn't his mother, she's not allowed to see my son again. I'll go make it clear to her. I won't let her fuck around with my son!" John grabbed Drew's face, trying to shove the fork in his mouth.

  " Eat Drew!" He demanded, but instead of listening, Drew screamed. Pushing the hand away.

  " Nuuuu!!! No eat until mawie come to see me!! 'Addy meaniebutt mawie no bad giwl. Mawie Drewy fwiend" he cried hitting John's chest with his fists.

    " Drew STOP!" John tried to grab his hands but Justin was struggling too much. He kicked the plate of food and glared at John.

   John felt his heart drop. Drew, his baby boy had never glared at him. He lost it.

   Carly gasped as John slapped the innocent autistic child, his lip busted and some blood came out of the cut. Drew started sobbing loudly and scream. He fisted his hands up and started hitting his own thighs and chest.

  Carly sat down on the floor next to him. Trying to grab his hands. But it was hard to stop him cause he started hitting her too. He kicked his legs, screaming so loud the whole neighborhood can hear. " Please stop Drew. Stop hitting yourself!!" Carly screamed. But Drew's high pitched voice was louder.

    " FUCKING BRAT!" John screamed slapping Justin's head and grabbed Carly's hand. Dragging her out of the room." YOU WANNA FUCKING DIE?!!! DIE!!!!" he screamed at Drew before locking the door and running down the stairs.

   " No John open this door! He's hitting his chest and it's gonna stop if he hit a wrong place! Open this fucking door right now!!!" Carly screamed. " Please come back John!!"

   " He wanna die, let him fucking die. I don't need a fucking brat who doesn't listen as my son!"

  " He's autistic for fuck's sake!!!" Carly screamed, trying to find a spare key in the key bawl.

  There weren't any spare keys. All she could do was bang on the door and beg him to stop hurting himself. " Drewy? Baby please stop! I love you so much and daddy loves you too. He didn't mean to hit you baby please stop hitting yourself!" She begged, tears streaming down her face.

   But Drew didn't stop sobbing, screaming, struggling or hitting himself. He couldn't stop the tantrum even though he wanted to.

     All Carly could do was sliding down against the door and cry. Praying for God to make it stop. Praying that he wouldn't hurt himself. Hearing his screams and cries.

    John got in the car, and drove off. " Fucking bitch!" He scoffed, hitting the steering wheel. " I'm gonna stop this right here!"



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