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Justice Dale POV

" Mommy!!" Drew jumped onto my arms once I opened the door, giggling and laying his head on my shoulder.

" Aww baby. I missed you!!" I laughed.

" Missed Mommy too! And Jwustin was so sad. Cuz pwetty giwls no wike me And no my mommy at home." I laughed even though I barely understood what he said. " And Jwustin want a BIGGG kissies from my Mommy too!!" He giggled making big puppy dog eyes, throwing his arms in the air to show how big he wants his kiss to be. My heart melted at his innocent eyes, I just wanted to keep him by my side forever and never let go. But unfortunately, I can't go against the Court. After me and john divorced, john owned the custody of my son. I was only allowed to see him on weekends. Since I was just a poor girl who was working a low paying job, and my son was an autistic child who wanted to be paid full attention on, and also needed couple thousands of dollars a week just for his medical bills, I didn't have a choice. I knew john was a good man, he loved Justin more than anything else. I knew he wouldn't dare to hurt him or put him aside. And he owned a business!,So I had to agree.

But now I'm not poor like then. Now I'm a fashion designer. A successful one at that.

I have all the things that are necessary to take my son back to me, but now he's used to be living with his father and stepmother. Carly is a nice woman. I consider her to be one of my best friends.

If Justin wants, he can come and be here as much as he wants. I love him. He's all I have.

I kissed his cheek, forehead and all over his face making him giggle. My little ticklish baby boy!

" Is that good?" I laughed. He nodded once, cutely. I ruffled his hair, making him whimper. I pulled back quickly. " What's wrong baby?" I asked confused and worried.

" He hates it when people touch his hair" Jack cleared his throat, looking at me awkwardly. He hates me. He doesn't want anything to do with me. I understand. I did him wrong. I did my baby boy wrong. I cheated on my husband when I had a great man to call my husband and a little fluffy bunny to call my son. I was wrong. I still suffer from what I did a 16 years ago.

"I know, but he likes it when I do it. Let me see your head, baby boy" I said sitting on the couch with him on my lap. He laid his head on my chest and Jack sat down next to me, moving some of his hair to check what's wrong. Justin doesn't know to tell if he's hurt. One day when he was 12, he was crying and screaming, we didn't know why. He didn't know where it hurts. Jack had to take all his clothes off and check for any cuts. And we found out that he had cutted his thigh somehow.

" Gosh" I gasped, touching the bump that's formed on his head. It was red and big. He squirmed slightly. I stopped touching it. " How did that happen?!" I pointed the question directly to John.

" He threw a tantrum last night. This must've happened while that" he said.

" Can't you just look after him properly?!" I suddenly felt angry. " Oh I'm sorry I forgot that you're too busy with your wife! You don't have time to look after our autistic child!" I snapped.

" He's autistic! You talk like I did this to him!" He spat.

" He's autistic! That's why he needs to be looked after properly!!" I yelled at him, hugging Justin to my chest.

" Of course! He's autistic!!, That's why his mother shouldn't have been a cheating slut and left him when he was only a two year old baby!!" He screamed louder. Making Justin start sobbing suddenly. He hiccuped and choked on a sob, and coughed. " No fwight 'ummy " he begged.

John sighed, taking Justin from my arms and holding him like a baby as he paced in the room. " Take me an ice pack" he mumbled, more like a demand. I scoffed, but walked into the kitchen.

After a while, John left and Drew fell asleep on my lap while we were watching a movie. My phone started to ring, and I grabbed it before it wakes him up.

" Hey mom!!"

" Hi!, You're late" I scolded playfully.

" Sowwy Mommy!! I'm on my way though" I could imagine her pouty face and I laughed.

Marie was a girl who was funny, carefree and always happy. I've been working with her for two weeks and she's already so comfortable around me. She lives on her own. And she's always late for anything. She was even late for her job interview. And she said it was her first interview.

I didn't go too hard on her, I gave her the job. One, she's so talented. Two, she's a girl and I know how it is like being a girl.

" Are you calling while driving?!" I scolded. And she hung up.

I shook my head, laughing. She's a brat.

Justin whined uncomfortable on my lap, so I picked him up, taking him to my room.

I placed him on my bed, and covered him with a fluffy blanket. I placed a stuffie that he left the last time he came, in between his arms. He snuggled up immediately. Making me smile and kiss his lips.

I went to the kitchen to make the lunch, so we can eat and start working.


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