💜pwetty giwl💜

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" Baby stop it! Erghh.. I don't know what to do with you!! I said stop it!!" She yelled, pulling at her hair as the tiny boy kept giggling and running around in his boxers while throwing his stuffed toys at her, as she Chased him, trying to wear him his pajamas. She was tired of struggling with him. She didn't do a job. But taking care of an autistic child was enough to make her feel exhausted. He was bratty, stubborn and energetic. She was fragile from all the struggling. At least he wasn't even her child.

" Argghhhhh! M-MOMMY!!!" But he called her a Mommy.

She scoffed, before running towards the 4 steps staircase which separated kitchen from the dinning room. Where Drew laid at the bottom, sobbing and crying. He had fallen, again.

She knelt down besides him, pulling him to her lap and examining if he had any injuries. He had his forehead bruised a little and his knee was bleeding from a small cut. Great! Now I'm gonna have to answer his questions! She thought. " Shh babe! It's nothing. Don't cry!" She whispered, as he cuddled to her chest and whimpered.

" H-hurts Mommy!!" He cried out.

" I know. That's what happens when boys being naughty. God punishes bad boys." She said.

" I'm sowwy Mommy!" He cried out, wrapping his legs around her waist. " Tell god not to be mad at Drewy anymore!"

" He won't be mad, but he wants to give you another punishment." She said. His eyes widened, and filled with fear.

" Nuu! Drewy no like pun-nish-m-ments!" He whimpered, trying few times to pronounce 'punishment' correctly.

Carly picked him up, taking him towards her and husband's room and laid him on the bed. " But you have to be a brave boy and get the punishment, then god won't be mad anymore."

" Nuuuu!! Nu pus-nish-m-ments!!!! Pweese Mommy!! Drewy be a good boy. Pwomise!!" He said, scared.

" Sorry baby. I have to okay?!" Carly took the first aid kit, then sat on the bed. She laid her legs over his thighs so he won't be able to run off. Then started to clean his cuts.

He kept struggling and screaming as tears never stopped pouring. When she was done, she putted two band aids over the cuts and kissed his forehead. Then she picked him up. She kept rocking him back and forth until he was calm.

" Now you be a good boy and don't give troubles to Mommy, right?!"

" Y-yeah Mommy. Drewy sowwy!" He hiccuped. She smiled and kissed his red button nose.
" Is god still mad at Drewy?"

" No baby you took the punishment now all is good."

" I happy then!" He smiled small. Carly grinned and sat him at the end of the bed.

" Now my baby is gonna be a good boy for Mommy and let her wear him his clothes right?!" She asked sounding excited.

He pouted his heart shaped rosey lips, making her awe at the sight. He doesn't like to wear clothes in the house. He'd rather wearing boxers as it's more comfortable so he can run around and play more comfortably." No pajamas!!"

" But it's cold baby! You'll get sick and also, what if a girl came here and saw you only in your boxers? It'll be embarrassing.. she'll laugh at you. Do you want that?"

He thought for a while." No?"

" That's right! Now you let me wear your clothes right?!"

" But but!! Girls no come Drewy's home!!"

" Today a girl is coming. She called me and said!" She lied. His eyes lit up.

" Is she pwetty? Like Mommy and my Mommy?"

Beautiful Boy( Autism,JustinB., SelenaG.,Christine Stuart, Paul W., Jeniffer L.)Where stories live. Discover now