One month ago

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Three months ago
I turned 18. My friends made me the biggest and funniest party that I saw in my life. They still didn't know that I would move to Los Angeles and I kept it a secret until I finished high school.
Two months ago
When the high school finished,  I invited everyone (my "friends") to a meeting in my house to tell them the news, my decision: I'll go to live in LA forever. When I told them that I was going to live next month in LA, they asked me why. I just told them the truth: I would like begin a new life in a different continent, in a different country and in a different city, away from people as fake as them. They went crazy, as if they knew nothing, but I knew all shit of everyone.
After the meeting, all of them stopped talking to me and blocked me on Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter. It was understandable, I suppose,  after of all.
They don't like the truths like the ones I told them.
Finally, I felt me free. Free of fake friends. Free of fake people. Free of that fake reality on I lived during 17 years.
One month ago
I had everything packed in boxes because this month I would like say goodbye or see you soon to people of my family. My family lives in the center of Spain, and I lived in Mallorca (isn't in center of Spain). So I traveled to there and I lived with they that month. I told them I got I job in USA and I couldn't refuse. The truth is: I haven't that "job".
I was about to live the dream of my life: go to USA and live there. Begin a new life. My dream life. An adventure. Begin something new.
I was going to USA with my savings. Only my savings and my things. I just rented a house there and that's it.

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