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Today is the second day I'm in this city. I wake up at 8 am. I wear with a jacket on my pijama (T-shirt XXL). I go to the kitchen for make breakfast but I'm remembering I haven't food and I have to go to supermarket, so I'm going to take a shower for after wear with comfortable clothes go to supermarket.
I made a list with necessary things I'll have to buy there and are too things: food, hygienic products, forks, knives, dishes...
Totally: $ 65.
Oh, I have only $ 5 in cash to invite Gus to eat in a restaurant. I need more money but I haven't a job. I was crazy when I decided come to LA to live without job or more money. And also I haven't a lot of savings and I have to pay the rent every month. I need a job now.
When I went home with the supermarket bags, I left them at home and I decided go to go search a job. Walking on streets, I stop in front of a Starbucks and I look a poster that said: "WE NEED A NEW WAITER. PLEASE CALL TO THIS NUMBER PHONE (*** *** ****) FOR TO BE INTERVIEWED".
I wrote the number at my notebook (I always carry a notebook at my bag) and I came back again to my house. During home way, I could observe the streets. Are so beautiful. It's different than Spain. I love my new neighborhood and his streets. I really love it.
When I arrived at my house I called to the number and a women answered me:
-Hi, who are you?
-Hi, I'm Loren. I'm new at LA and I need the waiter job.
-Oooh okay! Can you will come to the same Starbucks where is the number for your interview?
-Yes, I can! Thank you so much.
-Hahaha, no problem! Tomorrow I'll be here for interview you.
-Okay. Bye, see you tomorrow.
-Bye, see you soon.

YAAAASSSS I'LL CAN GET A JOB!!–I'm thinking excited.
Isn't a big job, but at least I'll can pay the rent and basic things with the salary. I wait. Tomorrow I'll know it.

*Gus's point of view*
It's 11 am. I've woken up. What a surprise. I haven't forces for live. I want not live, but I'm here. Every morning I wake up at the same place: my bed. Every night I do the same: I come to my bedroom to take a Xanax and I go to sleep for forget my problems. This is my daily routine at night.
I go to living room without any force to prepare the first joint of the day. When I smoke it, I feel fine. I don't know why it, because most of people feel dizziness when they smoke it.
After smoke it, I go again to my bedroom to dress me. I wear pijama trousers (the new fashion) and a yellow sweater. Also I wear Vans socks and shoes.
It's 12:15 pm. I leave home and I go to ride to Starbucks for take a coffee. But I'm remembered I have to go to Loren's house because she told me yesterday she will invite me today to eat to a restaurant. Normally, anybody invite me to eat to a restaurant but she, she is did. I don't like do friends, but with she I think will be different. She told me yesterday she's new at Echo Park, she's Spanish and more things about her old life. She hasn't anybody here apart of me (I believe), so that's why I accepted the invitation. For my part, I forgot give her my phone number in case if she needs something.
Better I don't go to the Starbucks and I go to her house directly.

*Loren's POV*
In my house there are few furnitures, but there's a TV. 15 minutes ago I started watching TV American programs (like Saturday Night Live) and I love them hahaha.
The bell is ringing, I go to see who is. For my surprise, when I opened the door Gus was behind it!

-Hi Gus! How are you? –I ask him very happy for see him.
-Hi Loren! Fine and you babe? –He ask me with the same happiness than my mine when I saw him behind the door.
-I'm chill at my home seeing Saturday Night Live. Come in, come in.
-You owe me an invitation, do you remember?
I'm fucked up. I haven't money to invite him. I have to think something fast.
-Gus, I'm sorry. I'm poor right now. This morning I had to go to the supermarket to buy food because I hadn't and also I bought more important things and I have only $5 in cash. I can't invite you to eat to a restaurant but I can invite you to eat at my home today. Do you want eat with me today here?
-Oh, sorry me because I bother you but of course I want to eat with you today :) –He answer me with his special smile.
I hug him.
-Oh, I'm sorry, I wouldn't..
He turns me the hug.
-Don't say nothing, we go to make the lunch.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2018 ⏰

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