The move

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The family month ended and I started the move. With the little money I had left, I hired a moving company to take the boxes to Echo Park, my new neighborhood, in center of Los Angeles. I was worried because still I haven't a job and I haven't a lot of money.
It was night. It was 4:30 am. My airplane go to LA at 6:00 am. I dressed in a sweatshirt, comfortable trousers, my vans and my backpack (from Vans too). I took my three suitcases with my all clothes (and more things for wear) and I closed the door of my parents house.
I called a taxi for go to the airport and I waited it 5 minutes. The taxi arrived.
The taxi driver helped me with put the suitcases into the car.
-Hi, thanks for the help –I told to the driver.
-Hi, to where? –He asked me.
-To the airport, please. –I told him.
-Okay –he answered me with a smile. I smiled him too.

10 minutes later we are into airport way, he asked me:
-Where are you going with the big three suitcases? The suitcases weigh a lot hahahah –He laugh.
-I'm moving to LA –I answered him.
-And can I ask you why? Because you looks too young to moving to LA –He told me.
–I'm tired of fake friends, fake people and all looks perfect and nothing it's perfect here. –I told him.- I need to move far from here for begin a new life.
–It sounds cool! So good luck with your new life! –He wished to me.
–Goodbye! –I said him.
-Goodbye!! –He answered me.

It was 5:00 am. I did the check in and I go in to the airport. I bought cookies and candies to the flight because it would be long and tired.
At 5:30 am I went to the door of de company for do the queue to enter into the airplane.
-Hi –A lady told me when I entered to the plane.
-Hi –I told her.
-Good flight! –She told me. I believe she is one of the stewardess.
-Thanks –I answered her with tired face. It was too early for out a smile in my face.

I sat in my seat, next to the window. I look out the window. Still was night but it was dawning. I didn't know if this was insane or not, but there wasn't going back.
Here begin my adventure.

I slept all the flight. Nine hours later, I arrived to LA's airport. It's so big. Is more bigger than Madrid's airport. I went to collect my suitcases. I took 15 minutes for it. I left from airport for took a taxi and go to Echo Park.

Now, I'm at the taxi.
I'm writing this in my notebook, for when I read the two latest chapter that I wrote during my way to Echo Park, I can remember why I'm here.
For why I'm here.

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