Chapter 8

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We sit facing each other on the couch, he has his guitar on his lap, shirtless as is the norm on our time off, computer on the coffee table working in composing for the tour and upcoming album.  He has a composer to work with but still prefers writing and composing his own. I watch him occasionally helping him sort out words and phrases,  encouraging him as he brings a song from beginning to end.  I admire him from my side of the couch, I seriously still don't understand what he sees in me, he is extraordinary in so many ways, he doesn't even look up and chuckles “Enjoying the view kitten?”

I allow my gaze to devour him,  and smile “It's not the worst sight in the world.” He looks up and a sneer plays on his lips, “Keep looking at me like that and I won't get these songs done,  the new album won't be released and all our dreams will be shattered.”

I smile at him “Mmm…. But the alternative would be so worth it too.”

His eyes glimmer with desire and he puts his guitar down,  “Come here Kitten.” I slip between his legs my back against his chest, he buries his face into the hair on my neck and his arms wrap around me coming to rest on my abdomen. 

“You have no idea how important you are to me,  you have no clue how happy I am you are able to do this tour with me.”  I lean back deeper into his embrace and wrap my hands around his,  “I do.” His breath heats me as it sweeps against the nook of my neck and shoulder and he pulls me closer.  “I'll still have to work, as will you,  but I'm sure we will make it work.”

I feel his nod against my neck,  followed by a sigh “I'm not sure why you feel like you need to keep working,  if I didn't promise Ryan to keep an eye on certain investments, once this tour started, I would have been self employed.”

I know this is one of the few things that I haven't been able to get him to understand,  and honestly,  the more I think about it,  the more I'm unsure as to why I'm not giving up my job.

“Honestly? I think I'm waiting to wake up.” I speak out loud before thinking.  He giggles against my neck,  and I look back to meet his malicious sapphire eyes and a mocking smile “You think this is still all a dream?”

I playfully push away from him “More like a nightmare!” he laughs deeply and as always it catches mighty heart,  his hands wrapping around me again pulling me back.  “You are so viscous!” He bends down and grabs my notepad and his,  opening both of them up “Now help me write for this album.”

We stay there sitting together collaborating on several different songs until late into the night,  I don't even realize I'd fallen asleep until I feel him picking me up off the couch.  I loop my arm around his neck and burrow my head into his chest,  his soap fragrance fills my senses and I smile against his collarbone. I curl against his chest and he wraps his long arm around me and we drift off to sleep side by side,  embraced by each other.

The next couple of weeks I focus on getting to know Vanessa and Devin a little more,  feeling them out and trying to get them used to me being done on the floor,  I feel a definable sadness to be leaving Matt,  even though it won't change much of our relationship.  We will still work in the sane building and he is still Colin's best friend,  it is just strange to think about not working with him.  He is still one of the most important people in my life,  and I think he always be.  I smile at the relationship him and Vanessa are trying to hide from the others,  but he's talked to me and Colin about her numerous times asking our opinions of things or for advice,  I've never seen Matt so nervous and lacking of self confidence,  and he hides it well.
I'm in the process of finishing up a cheat sheet for an excel file that we use on a monthly basis when Matt comes and sits beside me “Don't you ever take breaks Angel?”

“Lately,  not really, why what's up?” He leans his hands on his chin and bends forward so only I can hear him “Vanessa and I, um, had an incident at the gym.” I raise an eyebrow at him “And…..”

He exhales, god he is adorable when he is anxious. “She beat me in boxing… I got distracted, and well… she laid me out.” I start laughing, and have trouble catching my breath
“Amber! This is serious! She's going to think I'm a wimp!” This statement is me laughing even harder.  He glares at me and I try to collect my thoughts “Sorry Matt, this is pay back for ask the torture you put me through with Colin!!”

“I didn't take you for that kind of girl Amber!” he shakes his head “I really messed up…”

“I'm sure you didn't,  why don't you just break down and ask her on a date.  I'll see if Colin is any up coming dates to perform,  it's getting to that time to start building up again,  if you want something of a relaxed atmosphere,  think about it,  I'd anything she owes you a date now for bruising your manhood.”  I chuckle,  “”I mean manliness” Here gasps at my words then laughs again “Thanks Amber! But I think I'll stay away from the concert scene.  Last time I brought a date to one the lead singer stole her!” I punch his arm and he laughs.  “Idiot!”

I turn back to my work as Vanessa and Devin arrive back from break,  Devin is looking around the office and seems distracted,  I smile at him,  “Everything ok?”

“oh! Yeah, yeah,  I just get overwhelmed that's all…..” I take this opportunity to try to get more information “Oh, was it smaller at your previous location?”

He looks up at me “Oh! So much smaller. Like one floor would of covered for all of us!” Matt looks up,  “Really! That's crazy,  and I thought we were sardines in here!”

I roll up my nose “Are you enjoying it?”

He looks uncomfortable “It's not that I'm ungrateful,  but it's a bit much at times.” I smile at him and he looks taken aback “Well! You are doing great if that helps!”

He adverts his eyes and swallows “Thanks!” and he borrows himself back into his computer.

I look at Matt who shrugs at me,  we've tried numerous times to get him out of his shell over the past two months,  but we're consistently running into a brick wall.  I'll admit,  since researching more into GlenCore I'm trying to find out more about the employees.  I sigh and lean back,  trying to get the final screenshots in for the tutorial. 

I walk to Gabriel's office and knock, I wait for him to come to the door.

“Ahh, Miss Flanagan, to what do I owe the privilege?” he walks over and sits on the corner of his desk, his suit perfectly complements his eyes.
“I just wanted to let you know that by the end of the week I should be able to transition to the 42nd floor.  Devin and Vanessa are both doing beyond my expectations.”

He nods and looks at me “It is going to be a real loss having you on the floor.” He looks me over, and I'm surprised to see his gaze linger a little to long on my chest. I bring my arms up and it breaks his glance “Yes, I appreciate everything I have learnt on this floor and look forward to expanding my career in the company.” He nods. “Thank you for informing me. I'll be sure to look at both of them in the next few weeks for their three month evaluations.”

I nod and exit the office, I stop by and inform the group that after careful  deliberations and their amazing learning I'll be able to work more frequently on the upper floors but will still be available as need be.
I make my way up to our office,  as I walk in I see one of the other networkers talking to him as I boot up my computer, they are obviously deep into a conversation, and pointing to the screens on the walls.  Colin is tapping his lip with a pen and occasionally points to one of the screens,  the other network tech is scribbling notes,  listening and absorbing every word as Colin talks. 

As I wait for my computer to turn on I pull out my note pad and start jotting down some notes, finally it loads and I'm stuck staring at a dead screen.  I curse and I feel Colin's eyes set on my back, I look over my shoulder and shrug. He smirks and shakes his head,  he excuses himself from the tech for a moment and comes over to my computer, he looks at my screen,  and pulls his heads back,  he starts chewing the inside of his cheek.

I know that look,  he goes back to the other tech,  and they start working on something,  he pushes some buttons,  God I wish I understood his job,  he just seems so comfortable and in his element,  he taps a few more buttons,  comes over,  leans over me giving me a smile as his hair brushes my shoulder and reboots my computer.

Keeper of the Flame - Is It Love? Colin Fan Fic #2Where stories live. Discover now