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“Hey Alex, I’m home!” I yelled as I threw my backpack down by the front door. I ran upstairs stairs into my moms room. I saw Alex laying on the neat made bed with a single tear rolling down his face, he was looking at some sort of picture. I laid down next to him to see that the picture was the last one we took as a family. It was me, Alex and mom. It was before our mom got diagnosed with cancer.   

“It's going to be okay, the doctors will fix her! Why don't we just go to the hospital, and visit her right now?” I said hopefully.

    “We can't, it will make it worse, and it's past visiting hours. Soooooo…” He said getting up off the bed. I followed him downstairs to the kitchen. “ Go get dressed, we're going out.” he said with a stern voice.

    “Where?” I asked in my most innocent 15 year old voice.

    “Ummmm, how about thai? That was moms favorite, and we haven't been in a while…”

“Deal!” I shouted, running back upstairs. I came up into my room. I had painted the walls a dark navy blue, with a bright white bed, with a matching white bedspread. The whole left wall was full with aquariums of spiders. They made a arch around a mahogany desk. That desk I used to experiment on the spiders, and study them. I grabbed gray pants on the floor, and threw on my STARK industries sweatshirt. I put on my military boots, and ruffled my hair. I walked over to my window to see the Stark tower slowly coming to life as people walked around on the bottom floor.

“One day,” I whispered to myself. I’ve always wanted to be apart of that world. I ran down stairs to find my brother

He was dressed almost the same way as me, like usual. When Alex saw me, he just rolled his eyes with a smirk.

    “Alright Stark Jr. lets go.” I laughed at the nickname he has called me that since our trip to Stark Tower. We raced through the hallways, I noticed a boy about my age with light curls and dark brown eyes walking out of his apartment with a pretty older women. I smiled when I passed them, realizing that I knew that kid, Pietro was it? I couldn't remember. I beat my brother to the door, yelling when I got there, earning a lot of dirty looks from the people in the lobby.

    “Fine you win this round, but just you wait…”

I smiled at him, knowing he could never beat me at a race. We walked on the sidewalk, making our way to the thai restaurant. When we got there me and Alex got the usual, just boring old pad thai, but it was my favorite. I looked around and realized the same kid that was in the hall, was just a few tables away. He was looking at his plate, and picking at his larb. Gosh what was his name?! I thought really hard, then it hit me.

    “PETER!” I yelled. My brother jumped and Peters head shot up and looked at me weird, I made eye contact, and waved, he blushed and looked away.

    “That's his name Alex! I finally figured it out!”

    “Thats whos name? Payton your freaking me out a little.”

I pointed at the boy sitting at the table and said, “That's his name Alex, he goes to my school, and I couldn't remember his name. I thought it was Pietro but I remembered!”

    “Okay that’s nice but you need to eat.” he said gesturing to my plate with his fork.

Payton Maya StarkWhere stories live. Discover now