Chapter One: Crowded Pool

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Day 2,190 of being next to a cold spot in my bed...

The sun shined bright directly in my eyes, air crisp and chilly, house was silent, and no sign of the usual early morning chaos. The weekend... Saturday morning to be specific. I would spend the free morning waking up before the rest of the house, taking in the silence and crisp air while walking around the house with a coffee mug warming my hand. However, today was oddly different because as soon as I opened my eyes, I was greeted with soft brown ones and an angelic giggle. "Aren't you supposed to be sleeping?" I groaned while covering my eyes with the thick comforter.

"No," The giggle rung my ears once again, the owner of the angelic voice laid across my stomach. I could still feel her looking at me, waiting for me to share a goofy face to make her giggle, smile brighter, and make her chubby cheeks turn red. In which, I did just that. I poke my tongue out at her, crossed my eyes, and tilt my head to the side to hear that laugh again. That laugh, it brought out so many smiles and made my heart skip a beat. I melted instantly, I was wrapped around her little pinky and she knew it.

"Then why are you up?"

"Because I'm hungry." She bounces on her knees, causing the large soft puff ball in the back of her head to bounce as well. "Gran-Gran said you'll cook breakfast if I woke you up. I want toast with grape jelly and skittles."


She nod her head yes, the bright smile never became dull while explaining her wanted breakfast; mostly candy and other sugary things that passed as food, all that she would not be getting- other than the toast and orange juice.

I combed my fingers through the bird nest upon my head, once again I slept away my scarf that kept it at bay. Being a wild sleeper has its perks, one of them being an excuse to not have anyone in your bed. "Go set the table, I'll be down in a second."

The little one immediately jumped out of bed and ran out my room. Her small feet were loud on the hardwood floor when going downstairs, her excitement could still be felt in my chest. Having a child was the most exciting thing I could of done. Unfortunately, having a child with someone that never loved you back was fucking depressing.

I sat up in bed to only feel the thick knot of my scarf sticking my spine. I tossed the silk fabric to the side while taking a deep breath, "Take it easy today, V." I said to myself before sliding out of bed and zombie walking my way into the hall.

"Holy shit, you look like crap." The other guest in the house, my step-father, laughed at my morning appearance. It was quite ironic, considering no matter what he wears, his beer belly always find a way of spilling out and running the party.

I sent him a fake smile, one that showed I wasn't up for jokes this morning. "You and me both, Luther." I dragged myself into the bathroom, closing the door with a soft dud before taking another deep breath to get through the day.

After dreadfully getting myself together, I made my way downstairs to see the little angel sitting criss-cross on the couch while watching her daily cartoons. "Liza." I spoke, causing her to look up from the distracting television. "While I cook breakfast, get ready for the day. Ask Grandma to run a bath, brush your teeth, get dress- all that Jazz."

"But it's Saturday." She whined while falling back into the pillows.

"Now, Liza." I ordered while walking into the kitchen to slave over the stove.

"Hey you."

I jumped out of my skin, bumping my shoulder into the wall when turning to run. "Mom!" I screamed in shock while pressing my hand to my chest. The woman who's been trying to kill me for over thirty years with her little stunts and scares, sat at the head of the dining room table, sipping her coffee while reading the daily paper.

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