Chapter Nineteen: Lucid Dreams

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Day 6 in having sleep deprivation...

"The girls are fine, they're a little shaken up after that happened, but they're running around outside." I voiced while pacing the kitchen, glancing through the balcony door. Jax was outside sitting on the step, being used as a safe post while the girls played tag.

Mom sighed heavily, she mumbled a short prayer before sighing once again. "Thank god, did they catch the sick bastard yet?"

"No, the police didn't call us yet." I rubbed my forehead to keep myself from panicking, knowing if the sick fucker were employed by Eric, he's been wiped off the face of the earth by now. "Liza and I are going to stay another night. Are you okay? Did anyone approach the house?"

"Other than Ford regularly bothering Luther during lunch, no. Is something wrong?"

I squeezed my eyes shut to make sure the dark secret didn't slip out, it was enough to tell Jax everything, but to bring mom and Luther into this would be something different. Mom would freak out and tell Luther everything, Luther would tell Ford everything, and then Ford would be on Eric's and the Barnes family ass. Next thing I know, someone will get hurt because I couldn't keep my mouth shut. "No, everything's fine. I'll see you tomorrow, I'll be home before work."

"Okay, see you then."

I removed the warm phone from my ear and placed it on the marble surface of the kitchen bar. I glanced outside one more time, the three were smiling and giggling, no sign of fear or panic on their face. Jax did have rage in his eyes but he pushed it down for the girls. I blew raspberries while combing back my hair. "Get it together." I whispered to myself before walking to the living room. The thick envelope was still there, waiting for someone to open it and read whats inside.

The temptation to burn everything and out this all behind us was really high, I even snatched the envelope off the table and head to the large fireplace; unfortunately, I didn't get past that, being that I couldn't find any matches and they were starting to come in. I set the envelope on top of the fireplace, leaned it on the wall behind Jax family picture- it blinds into the background quickly.

Jax didn't notice my act, he was too busy trying not to trip over the little munchkins as they raced each other upstairs. When they were out of site, his smile dropped into a thin frown, eyes became dull, and his jaw ticked multiple times. "I think we should take a trip out of town, we can leave Thursday. The girls doesn't have school Friday and we come back Sunday afternoon."

"We can't, at least not Thursday. The charity event and I told Lawrence he can watch Liza. Even though I'm a panicking mess, I don't want this to stop our lives and Liza is really looking forward to it."

Jax sighed heavily while rubbing the back of his neck in frustration. "After the event, then."

Running away with our tails between our legs, on any occasion I would say: 'fuck no and fuck them', but with our children on the line- I have no other choice but to agree. "While on the trip, we have to figure out what we're going to do. Either I roll over and take it or fight, but if I fight who knows what's going to happen."

"The best way to go is the legal action."

"Yeah because illegal actions has already put me in a deeper fucking hole." I chuckled to look for the humor into all of it. "The only officer I trust is Lieutenant Ford, but he's a old fashion civil police guy who would tell everyone about the Barnes Family. Being that they're the richest family in town and can clear their names out of critical and serious police radars; they have some form of power. I'm not saying we don do the legal action, but we have to find someone we both trust and who's actually willing to bend the rules a little."

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