Chapter Thirty-One: Craig's List

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Day 20 since my first view of change...

Saint Olives was an unusual place of business, it held an illusion of certain professionalism and white collar working class prestige that now fears me into think it would be like Rhino Tech. However, when walking through that glass door of the building, I was fooled. I was first greeted by heavy security; two armed guards stood on each side of the long entrance standing like statues by the exits and entrance, and if that didn't keep you from reaching further inside the building then the stationed gates did- the runs you'll usually see at the metro station or FBI facilities.

Beyond that, there's cameras on every corner and over a million working bees running around back and forth to the ten elevators (five on each side), plus the large water fall in the middle of the building that seems to extend up to the very peak of the building- water just free falling into a rectangular fountain implanted in the floor with a gray remake of the Apollo statue in the middle of it, just a few inches in front of the water fall. I was astonished, jaw dropping shock from the decor of this place, I wonder what the rest of the building will look like; it would most likely be as good as this design at the entrance.

"Victoria," Craig practically sung my name when approaching me from the nearest elevator, he wore a baby blue base plaid bow tie this time and a matching sweater, cheeks red with excitement, glasses bold red, and dirty blonde hair slicked back into a flat Mohawk. His fashion sense was a little unique for a CEO, I'm so use to stern men with suits and rolexes that cost more than my car; men who walk around the building as if they have a stick up their ass, and sit in their offices while drinking scotch at nine in the morning when there apparent 'stressful day' hasn't started yet.

"Craig," I picked my jaw off the ground when meeting my new boss half way to shake his soft warm hand. "I always drive past this place when I go to my friend's house, but I never thought it would look like this on the inside." The exterior part of the building was all tinted glass, it was wide with at least thirty levels- but the windows were long, so it could be more, it looks like more.

"During the summer we had to relocate from the next door building while this one was being remodeled, took more than four months to get all this done- seven months to get half of it down, the worse seven months of my life. But with the help of our geek department, we managed to have it up and running in no time. Now, before we get started with this dreadful meeting with the bored, I will show you around. Usually the boards loves to uphold their meeting after lunch, it helps create the suspense." Craig leads me to the third elevator to the left of us, each door had different carved designs in the gold plates- which makes it more luxurious and creative.

"Because we have at least over sixty floors in this place, the elevators doesn't exactly go to all the floors. The elevators on the right will go up to the twenty-ninth floor, while the left takes us the rest of the way to the sixty-second floor. But from fifty-seven to sixty-two, we usually don't go up there unless you're me, our accountants, the big man, and the board; you also have to have a personalize card to get up there, like this one." He proudly pulled out his work ID to show the silver tag just below his name. "You will get a work card by the end of the day, it'll help you get in and out of here, go to the system monitor rooms, and depending on the time- if you work pass eight, you would have to swipe it to get on the elevator. Security purposes."

"Understandable." I voice once the doors opened to the largest elevator I've seen I my working life. "How many employees do y'all have?" The simple irrelevant questioned slipped out when entering the large spacious elevator that could fit no more than twenty people at a time, only if it's rush hour.

"Um," Craig tilts his head to the side to round up the number of workers. "No more than three hundred."

"Three hundred!?" I said louder than I intended, shock and amazement went through me like a wave.

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