Chapter 4

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I can't believe he said you are looking sexier and more beautiful." Faith said, trying to contain her laughter as we walked home.

I felt mortified as I remembered how Tommy had walked up to us and started flirting with me. It was so epic and even though I was still embarrassed, I couldnt help laughing along with Faith.

"I swear that boy is not serious ooh, he even winked." I replied just as we got to Faith's house.

"I know, right." she said as she mimicked his wink and we both burst into another fresh round of laughter.

"Its well shaa, I will see you tomorrow." I said as we stopped in front of her house.

"Ill miss you. She said, pretending to cry as she hugged me.

You are such a drama queen, its just till tomorrow nah. I said, hugging her back with my arms around her.

I know, I know but I will still miss you. She said.

Dont worry, tomorrow will be here before you know it. I said as she let go of me.

See you tomorrow, bye." She said as she slipped into their compound and with a smile on my face, I made my way home.

I sang as I walked home happily but as I opened the front door, I heard my dads voice and my day got bad automatically. I contemplated turning back and going to Faith's house or running inside my room.

Unfortunately, my mom called out "Enitan, is that you?" as I discard any thought of avoiding my dad since I had already been caught.

"Yes, ma." I replied as I waste a few minutes on removing my sandals, delaying the inevitable.

"Good afternoon sir." I knelt to greet my dad as I walked into the parlor even though the last thing I wanted to do was to see his face.

"Yes, how are you?" he asked, uncaringly.

"Fine sir." I replied, itching to escape to my room while I also wondered why my mum was home early since It was barely 4:00 pm and I made a mental note to ask her later.

She worked at a company that produces cement and she was one of their sales managers. It was a good job because she was given good pay and the time was flexible enough for her to take care of me. She leaves home as early as 7.30 am after I have gone to school and returns home by 5.00 pm, an hour after I return from school.

"Enitan, I made rice. Go and change your clothes and serve yourself in the kitchen." she said, giving me a look that says she knew I wanted to be anywhere but there, in front of my dad.

"Ok, ma." I said as I stood up.

Eehn eehn Enitan, when you are done eating, go and wash my car for me and also wash those clothes on the chair there. My dad said authoritatively as I took a deep breath and made my way into my room, not bothering to respond.

Collapsing on my bed, I wondered why my good for nothing dad was home. He hasn't been home for five weeks and I have been enjoying the peace, his arrival now meant lots of loud noises, arguments, fights and lots of annoying chores like washing his car. Standing up, I changed my school uniform to comfortable house wear and slipped my feet into my brown dunlop slippers.

I brought out my mathematics note from my bag and tried to concentrate on the assignment Mr. Adeshina had given us so that I could get it done on time and start my chores.

I could hear my father's loud voice as he complained to my mum about how greedy and selfish his younger siblings are. Distracted, I abandon my half-done assignment and listen to him rant.

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