Get to know me tag!!! Author's version.

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Hi guys, I know it has been a while and I can't explain how happy you guys make me every single time I see a notification of you voting, adding to your reading list and commenting. Thank you so much for all that you do and I hope that you will continue to make me happy like you all do.

Today, I am here for two things. One is a bit sad and I think the other is a bit more fun. I'll be saying the sad one first

I am bringing down Behind the walls in a few weeks. Sad right?!!! Yea, I know it's sad but then I have a reason.

Behind the walls is on its way to becoming an e-book, I am currently working on it and after all that stress of rewriting, editing, proofreading, getting a perfect cover, you wouldn't want me not to make any profit, right?

Wattpad and you all; my readers have made it easy for me grow in what I love doing but at the same time, I can't stay like that forever. I would have loved to keep it on Wattpad but I can't so in return I would continue to write more interesting books here and also, I would be leaving the first few chapters of the new version here hoping you guys would want to get the rest.

So guys, in return for wanting to remove Behind the walls, I'm releasing a new book on my birthday (JULY 4)- the same day I released behind the walls- its titled Her bodyguard and I'm certain you would all love it because I have put a lot of effort into it. You can check out my page to check it out or click on the link in my bio. Thank you so much guys for being a part of I and Enitan's journey. I hope you would all be a part of Adetutu's also.

Now guys, moving on to the main part and what this chapter is really about, the get to know me tag!!!! Let's go.

tagged me to do this, so here it is. 13 things about me. (are you guys excited!!! I promise to make it juicy so i'm making mine 15.)


1.You have to post the rules.

2.You have to say 13 things about yourself (in my case, I am making it 15.)

3.If you don't do this in a week, the person who tagged you has to give a punishment.

4.Your entry has to be a chapter not a comment.

5.You have to tag 15 people (I cant guarantee that.)

6.The title has to be creative.

Alright guys, lets go!!!

1.I am Bankole Olamiji and I'm 17 years: I dont know why but I have always felt like my name and age is the first thing to say while telling people about myself. I will be turning 18 in 8 days I suppose. Yea guys, Im officially a young adult.

2.I am overly sensitive: I'm very very sensitive and I think that could be because of my horoscope but I'm very sensitive so please refrain from hurting me. Please don't!!!

3.I'm selfless: Well, I don't know what to say about this but its a point from my sisters. I know I'm a teeny bit nice but selfless, I think that a little bit too much but I guess that's just who I am. I'm a selfless girl people, no doubt about it but don't take advantage of me.

4.I'm goal oriented: Hey people, I'm a goal-oriented person. I set a lot of overly high goals for myself and make sure I reach it.

5.I'm judgmental: I think here is one of the very bad habits about me, I'm very judgmental in my mind. I might not say it so as not to hurt people but in my mind, I judge a lot. I know guys!!, I'm going to change soon but really there's no harm in judging in my mind nah but what's bad is bad so I am definitely going to change.

6.I'm blunt: I am very blunt; I don't know how to keep things to myself. I have this belief of facing your troubles or problems head on. Be brave!!!

7.I'm complicated: In all honesty, even to myself I am complicated. Most times, I find myself stuck between wanting people to do A but to also do B. Hence when they do A, I complain even though at the back of my mind it is actually what I want.

8.I'm annoying: Well, this is from my immediate elder sister. She believes I am annoying just because I don't always let her have her way.

9.I'm a professional/certified photographer: Yea, yea, I know. I'm everywhere but what can I do, I have my certificate and you can check out my Instagram page @miji_banks to enter my photography world even though it is still little. PS: You can help me make it grow.

10. I'm God fearing: I'm a Muslim and very God fearing. I try my best to stay away from anything that I know is wrong. A lot of friends say I'm religious and my two immediate elder sisters also tease me about it but I don't really think I'm religious, I'm just God fearing.

11.I have 3 elder sisters: Surprise! My family is structured like Enitan's even though our story differs. I also have 3 elder sisters with a loving mum and dad.

12.I love Johnny drille, Tuface and Kiss daniel: Those are my best Nigerian artists but recently, Joeboy got added to the list. His voice is just so it and hes handsome or don't you think.

13.I love baking, cooking and good food: So, guys if I am not found writing, reading or dancing. I will be found in the kitchen. I love good food also; I always feel maltreated if I am served a food that was not made perfectly. When I say a good food, I mean a meal that was done in a very (I dont know how to put it) but I would say perfect way and this is why I don't eat most people's food, I don't want to make people feel bad by not ending up eating the food.

14.I love tea/coffee: I love tea because my mom loves tea, same as my grandma but I have a more unique love for coffee, especially black coffee. The aroma makes me happy.

15.I love junks: Yea, I love junks. I may not eat for a few days but I have to take junks, I could even use my last cash on junks rather than data like every other teen as long as I have novels.

So, guys that is it. Honestly, this was so much fun and we could do this again if you all want but then you guys would have to set the questions. Moving on to the tag, I would tag my fellow writers and please readers, tag your friends so they can read this and let me know in the comment section if you want another one. I hope you enjoyed it!!! @pl

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